Americans are dumb?


New Member
We just landed a fucking rover the size of a small car on Mars, IN A WAY THAT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE. Going from 13k/mph to 900/mph to 2/mph in a CONTROLLED MANNER on a time-released parachute from 34 MILLION FUCKING MILES OUT.

SUCCESSFULLY. So fuck all you anti-U.S. dumpster divers.

ted bundy

Active Member
Ok cool we landed on mars..
What that gonna do fix the job market?
Feed the hungry families?
Let me guess find the cure for cancer?
Amercans are dumb, but I only speak for myself..
Lolz, mars...


Well-Known Member


New Member
Ok cool we landed on mars..
What that gonna do fix the job market?
Feed the hungry families?
Let me guess find the cure for cancer?
Amercans are dumb, but I only speak for myself..
Lolz, mars...
Yea, I expected an answer like that from a simpleton. For once, look at what we can do, eh bub?


New Member
I guess it's the "thing to do" to bash what us Americans do, no matter how innovative and technologically advanced we are to the rest of the world.

I guess if this was a homosexual issue, you guys would be more receptive...LOL


Well-Known Member
I guess it's the "thing to do" to bash what us Americans do, no matter how innovative and technologically advanced we are to the rest of the world.

I guess if this was a homosexual issue, you guys would be more receptive...LOL
lol i think its pretty cool that we pulled that off, bout time lol... but we already know we cant really live on mars, we should be working on our friggin debt.. im american


New Member
lol i think its pretty cool that we pulled that off, bout time lol... but we already know we cant really live on mars, we should be working on our friggin debt.. im american
Who cares if you're American? This is an accomplishment for humans. Your children will benefit. Meh, 20 years from now you will see the benefit for your future offspring.


Well-Known Member

I forgot about that scene! That's so fucking hilarious, hahahahaha.

Also, America will always be the best country in the world.


Well-Known Member
We just landed a fucking rover the size of a small car on Mars, IN A WAY THAT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE. Going from 13k/mph to 900/mph to 2/mph in a CONTROLLED MANNER on a time-released parachute from 34 MILLION FUCKING MILES OUT.

SUCCESSFULLY. So fuck all you anti-U.S. dumpster divers.
While you were doing it the Chinese were observing & coping your technology in 10-15 year from now they will do the same for 15% of your cost. Also during your little scientific victory they kept filling your dumpster with their cheap made stuff taking your best job & trading them for position like Wall-Mart greeter. Make no mistake I like the American peoples, I spend 3 month every year in Florida (a lot of $$$$$$$ too) & It’s my best time of the year. Unfortunately your elite class care more about science & military development than they do about the well-being of the average peoples.


New Member
You can talk about the government but leave NASA out of this because it's not just Americans in the program, it's multiple countries, prolly the most peaceful teamwork of other countries working together.

Not sure if they had anything to do with this but that's not the picture here, shouldn't of had that title lol, seen this coming.

Already quickly changing into a whole new topic lol. Just drop the whole American thing because every country has it's obvious flaws, no need to throw obvious facts around.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
ignorant fuck.
Tell me what do get from this mars crap? More wasted money.
"By 2010, ASC had sold
about 100 cameras—not only for potential space use, but for use
on Earth as well. 3D flash LIDAR cameras can assist almost any
manned or unmanned vehicle with collision avoidance,
navigation, or object tracking—through brownout (helicopter-
landing-generated dust clouds) conditions, tree leaves, smoke,
fog, darkness, or under water. It could also be used for
surveillance around the perimeter of a facility or at a border."


Well-Known Member
WOW what doesnt it do!!!???
oh wait it does everything other shit does for 5 billion times the price


Well-Known Member
I watched it go down live a little bit ago. Its awesome to recieve pictures from another planet, just goes to show how advanced we are becoming. I could only imagine being in that control room.


Well-Known Member
think about what we the human people could do if it wasnt just america but everyone. Hell we wernt even the first ones to get to space russia was. just sayin if we work together an not just think about our selfs we could do alot.