Am starting a scrog grow with clones, do i need to bother topping?


Well-Known Member
Basically, im not sure wether to top the babes or nt when they get to the screen, it kind of seems to me that topping would only have a purpose if scrogging from seed to split the main cola stem in two? I might be wrong here though, this will be my first ever scrog from cuttings so any advice is apreeshed.



Well-Known Member
You can top as many times as you like to determine as many branches as you wish for, but I think after the first couple of tops the efficacy of spreading yield distribution across multiple branches - i.e. True main colas - starts to diminish.

Depending on where you top can determine how many true colas you get. Top at 2nd node for 4 mains etc.

Like all forms of training, Some strains respond better than others.


Active Member
I would recommend topping before they get to the screen so there are more branches to weave through the SCROG. Are you doing some form of LST to increase main branches?


Well-Known Member
Branching on clones will be different than seed. seed will produce a north and south node then east and west clones will make branches in a spiral up the main stem. So toping a clone will react differently