Am I still alright? PIC!


Active Member
Angelina is 4 days old. You guys can see all of her leafs... Let me know if you have any suggestions based on what you see. The temp. is 74.7 degrees F and the humidity is 60... I have a nice fan ocilating on her right now too...




buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
looks to wet it needs to be damp or slightly dry,not soaking wet or the roots will starve from oxygen and die

looks a little droopy,but has potential


Active Member
They are CFL's... 3000K.

Alright, so the dirt is a lil' too wet... should I just let it chill and dry itself out or transfer it to new soil?


Active Member
Aight, but one problem with getting the 6500K... I been to Lowe's, Walmart, home depot... I can't find the 6500K bulbs.. most of the boxes don't say how many K's they are.. just Lumens.. any help???


New Member
look for like natural light-cool light-or blue spectrum or ask one of the ppl to help u find a blue spectrum cfl.


Well-Known Member
day light cfls or cool cfls are 6500k. ur plant looks fine. u may be better off just having 1 cfl directly above the plant for the first week or so then add more lites as it grows