Am i screwed???


Well-Known Member
hey guys names roullette, long time reader of these forums 1st time posting, was worried you could get bopped on here so i nvr signed up till today..

To my question an im really worried about this. first time farmer here. i have a DWC goin with 2 12" air bars in a rubber made bin. im using technafloral (think i spelt it right) chem nutes with distilled water keeping my PH at 5.8-6.0 checking every day an a ppm of 700ish lil lower lil higher never over 900. for lighting im using 200 watt florals (54 watts x4) with 5-7 cfls and i mixed spectrums and i have mylar around every thing.

I have 2 different strains ones a killer no name strain an the other i got from a buddy that he said it was around males early early when he did his, which his ended up with seeds.. he told me that his where around males a bout 1 month into im under the impression he had a herm an didnt research shit so i have been keepin an eye on them.

there 3 weeks into strain is god damn rediculous the other strain i think has a hermie only one plant outta 2 though go figure... i noticed one of his strains has male bulbs poppin up and i started to pick them off with tweezers (god damn hermies). well i thought i got them all. today was looking at them and say open white flowers and i went to pick them off with the tweezers and saw lil pollen dust falling. instantly i grabbed my spray bottle an sprayed the hell out of the plant an soaked the buds the leaves u name it an started to pick off the rest of the open banana like flowers.

is it to late am i ganna have seeds? should i bag up the herm an snipp it an try to soak the rest of my babbies to try to wash off the pollen or am i SCREWED!?

ughhh im so pissed i knew i shoulda killed it. i am a newbie to farming but i think i have a pretty good grasp on what i should do. but this one im stuck on any tips from the pros??

thanx roullette,:cry:


Sector 5 Moderator
A plant being a hermie is not really a big deal; it's waaaaaaay over rated. MJ plants tend to herm, period; it's their nature. You still get good smoke. I had one hermie that I didn't notice until it popped some pollen sacks and dusted a branch of one of my girls. I got one seed - that's it. The whole plant doesn't go to seed unless it gets a really good douching of pollen so it's no big deal. We tend to fuss over these things; growing this stuff is easier if we just kick back and let it happen.


Well-Known Member
A plant being a hermie is not really a big deal; it's waaaaaaay over rated. marijuana plants tend to herm, period; it's their nature. You still get good smoke. I had one hermie that I didn't notice until it popped some pollen sacks and dusted a branch of one of my girls. I got one seed - that's it. The whole plant doesn't go to seed unless it gets a really good douching of pollen so it's no big deal. We tend to fuss over these things; growing this stuff is easier if we just kick back and let it happen.

hold up... so your saying that if pollen hits a single bud on a different plant that one bud could get seeds and not the whole plant?

if thats the case then im over it lol


Sector 5 Moderator
That's it exactly. It seems that each individual flower has to be pollinated to produce seed.