Am i ready to flush


Active Member
so i have 3 Og kush X sour diesel ladies in a homemade aero system in flower and i cant remember exactly when they were switched to 12 12, i have a horrible memory sometimes, i just remeber it was a Wednesday.
the biggest is more mature than the other 2 cause they are clones from it that got kind of a late start cause they were thrown into flower right away and they took longer to start
they all look great but Im not sure if i should flush now or not, there are alot of orange hairs now on the largest plant. and they are starting to look about done, they have fattend up a lot the past week or so and i dont want to mess them up now.
well here they are, do you think i should start flushing, oh and sorry for the bad pic's. all i have is a web cam

Biggest ones tops

close up on cola

this is how both the small ones looks like

And how long can you flush for, cause the smaller ones might have another 2 weeks or more left


Well-Known Member

Kinda hard to tell but I think you should wait a bit.

I just went through the same thing and found out how to tell.
I explained it all with pics in my journal. The heads of the trichomes are milky white gives you a head stone, if you wait till they are amber then you get body stone. check it out, its toward the end as I started flushing last weekend