almost time to harvest..


Active Member
hey guys back with an update on my first grow, buds seem to be building up a bit and seeing a few amber hairs. now here is the Delma, im wondering if i should wait till all the white hairs shrink into the bud or should i cut it earlier? and as for flushing is it necessary ? well anyway here is a few pics to see where i stand guys and btw i took these in 1 minute flat so dont mind the angles lol



NOT DONE....all white hairs... they gotta well as your calyx are not swollen... two full weeks.... Yes flushing is a have to...Your ash will be black if you dont and its full of chems..the buds burn consistant when flush and the ash is white, including no harsh throat taste...You can pull a fan leaf and taste it with your tongue...taste like water your good to go.... IF your all organic you should be good and really shouldnt have to flush but ya never taste the leaf before you commit to chopping...


Well-Known Member
Very well said!.. I test my leaves too...Im all organic..but once in a while I'll hit with hydroplex or like scotts 2-10-8 in a dropper bottle.. but yes the stem is an absolute fail safe to knowing whats inside your plants...

NOT DONE....all white hairs... they gotta well as your calyx are not swollen... two full weeks.... Yes flushing is a have to...Your ash will be black if you dont and its full of chems..the buds burn consistant when flush and the ash is white, including no harsh throat taste...You can pull a fan leaf and taste it with your tongue...taste like water your good to go.... IF your all organic you should be good and really shouldnt have to flush but ya never taste the leaf before you commit to chopping...


You should invest in a microscope !!! its pocket change to all other expensenses and its the only way to ENSURE you harvest properly for someone with little experience including hands on its a MUST HAVE.... If your familiar with the strain than you can learn to recognize when the plant reaches the desired maturity until than scope time ...