Almost Passing Out When Inhaling


Active Member
Recently, I've noticed when I take a normal hit -- to me, normal is inhale as much as possible, hold for about 3-seconds, then release. Well, when I do this, I start to get light headed now, to the point where I can't take steps or I'll fall over & I can't get out of a chair or I'll fall back down. To add to this, I start losing vision, everything starts getting black as if I were going to pass out -- [I've passed out before] it's almost an identical feeling, but I never pass out, today after inhaling a hit, I lost all my vision, everything went black, but I was still fully aware of my surroundings. Usually when you are going to pass out, you start to go out mentally too... so I'm not going to pass out. I'd say I get vision/balanced about 3 seconds after exhaling the hit. Any ideas?


Active Member
maybe your smoking some really good stuff.
Well, I haven't smoked for awhile, just started back up this past 2-weeks or so... so I guess? Hmm... it is from a new connect -- Cali -- & better looking/smelling/dense then what I usually get, aha. Hopefully that's what it is!


Well-Known Member
happens to me sometimes off a vaporizer, gets me pretty fucked up... i have no idea why it does happen though lol


Well-Known Member
its a head rush....its blood rushing back to all parts of your body quikly.....small possibility of having a stroke so try and avoid them.


Well-Known Member
none of us are getting any younger......when you take a hit and hold it your depriving your brain of oxygen and it doesnt like careful dude!


Well-Known Member
I took 8mg of xanax once and started smokin dank and was holdin it in and i blacked out woke up sitting down on floor holdin the piece with a goose egg on my head.....never really knew what happened was like takin a clean one on the chin...anyway to much xanax and dank is fun but it can literally knock your ass out.


The combined effects of THC and the canabanoids causes you to drop your blood pressure...

most likely is the rush of THC is causing your blood pressure to drop and that combined with how the drug interacts with your neurotransmitters you will loose some muscle control... What strains are you smoking? Have you experienced similar symptoms of lightheadedness before (when not smoking)?

I would say remember this and dont smoke in the car if you do... It could be nothing but if you find that things are "different" in your health then see your doctor...

Your Doctor will not rat you out to the police (or parents) so its OK to tell him/her about your use, just be honest if you do decide to go that route :)


Active Member
The combined effects of THC and the canabanoids causes you to drop your blood pressure...

most likely is the rush of THC is causing your blood pressure to drop and that combined with how the drug interacts with your neurotransmitters you will loose some muscle control... What strains are you smoking? Have you experienced similar symptoms of lightheadedness before (when not smoking)?

I would say remember this and dont smoke in the car if you do... It could be nothing but if you find that things are "different" in your health then see your doctor...

Your Doctor will not rat you out to the police (or parents) so its OK to tell him/her about your use, just be honest if you do decide to go that route :)
No, these symptoms, as far as lightheaded, blacked out vision, & both combined never occur other than when I take a hit...


Well-Known Member
Fuck, I have passed out or nearly passed out hundreds of times. I have extremely low standing blood pressure, and tokes just magnify it.