Allow me to Introduce myself


Hey RIU! I've been lurking here for a while and finally came to the conclusion that, although I'm not ready to begin my first grow, I'd like to start taking part in discussions anyway. I've done tons of research on this site as well as a few others, and I have to say that I appreciate all of the hard work the growers have put in before us to allow someone like myself even ponder the idea of growing for myself someday(Hopefully sooner rather than later). I've learned so much just in the past month or so reading up and following peoples progress that it's really allowed me to get a good idea of what I'd like to do for myself when the time is right.

So anyway, here's a bit of my story for anyone who's interested. I've almost just recently began using Marijuana to help aid in sleeping at night as well as dealing with anxiety/depression. I had experimented with it before in a social enviroment but it's just recently that I've began to fully understand how helpful it actually can be to people. Because of this, I began researching ways to grow my own. I feel that this would best suit my needs because I can grow exactly what I believe will help me for as well as holding the quality control up to my own personal standards.

So again, Thank you! Thank you to all of the innovators of what we do/enjoy and thank you for allowing me to become part of this community.

P.S. - tl;dr(Too long; Didn't Read) This is my introduction. You guys are awesome! Thank you!