All Organi All Cfl Goodness


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHA you and me are im the same exact boat!!!! I cant make room for a veg and flower room seeing that i live in a one bed one bath lol but we are both growing GDP and i also just started another plant that is going to be on 12/12 from seed under the soft whites with my main girl lol... By the way your baby is looking very healthy and i would like to know if you have topped or lsted at all cause it looks like you have a decent amount of bud sites already well keep up the good work cause she is loooking great!!!


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHA you and me are im the same exact boat!!!! I cant make room for a veg and flower room seeing that i live in a one bed one bath lol but we are both growing GDP and i also just started another plant that is going to be on 12/12 from seed under the soft whites with my main girl lol... By the way your baby is looking very healthy and i would like to know if you have topped or lsted at all cause it looks like you have a decent amount of bud sites already well keep up the good work cause she is loooking great!!!
Yeah Im hopin the 12/12 from seed is gonna work out alright. And ya I have done a fair bit of lst to her ever since she had 3 nodes. I just always keep the main top tied down to as close to a 90 degree angle as possible....and I tuck any fan leaves the block underneath budsites in order to let them catch up to the main top. Not every strain takes too kindly to it tho so watch out.....I have had one plant that just couldnt really handle being tied down and basically died becasue of it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i have had the same case outdoors i tried to do one i a complete spiral out of a bagseed that ended up being a huge sativa after a about a month of LST she just died for nooo reason at all but the one i got going right now is really just loving the fuck out of it for sure :]


Well-Known Member
I did a 12/12 from seed with sour diesel and didnt like my yeild at all but it was great smoke, if you can I would build a separate small veg cab and put that sour d in there to get as big as your other plant before it starts flowering because you prob wont like the yeild either. The soud d smelled so good when it was growing I could help but slightly squeeze the buds so the aroma would fill the grow room when I would check on it, was probably dankest smelling bud I have seen or grown.:leaf: No dought she is looking great man good job so far.


Well-Known Member
Ya I didn't like my yield the last time I went 12/12 from seed but I'm not worried about it I'm just experimenting w/ this one


Well-Known Member
yeah i am doing the same thing really dont care what happens i just love growing things lol... But for all i know both of the ones i have in there are male who knows..... OOOO wait i will know in like a day or 2 hopefully cause i just switched to 12/12 so she should sex tomorrow or the next day... But any ways does any one know if i made a small section for veg could i switch the small one that has been on 12/12 for the last four days of its life to 18/6 with out stunting or killiing it???


Well-Known Member
yeah i am doing the same thing really dont care what happens i just love growing things lol... But for all i know both of the ones i have in there are male who knows..... OOOO wait i will know in like a day or 2 hopefully cause i just switched to 12/12 so she should sex tomorrow or the next day... But any ways does any one know if i made a small section for veg could i switch the small one that has been on 12/12 for the last four days of its life to 18/6 with out stunting or killiing it???
Hey man sorry for not replying, I have been pretty busy for a bit but im back to see that you had males and had to kill them off :-(


Well-Known Member
Alright so, I have the normal updates....I flipped the switch (12/12) on faith on valentines day. She already had preflowers but I will say she technically started truly flowering on March 2nd when real discernable pistils appeared. I have been busy as shit and been slackin on taking pictures, so there is like a week gap of missing pictures, but I have current ones..fuck it lol


Well-Known Member
Beefore I get into my baby....I'll show you the new setup I'm workin with.

10 Cfls, with a grand total of ~280w , using 2 powerstrips that are parallel but slightly offset.

6 23w (2700k)
2 23w (6500k)
1 55w (2700k)
1 42w (2700k)

There are no heat issues even when using 10 cfls that are literally right on top of each other. My closet is probably only 80-82 degrees MAX, but usually around 70-75 degrees. I only have one fan blowing across the plant, but it seems to be doing the job just fine. If anyone wants better pics of it just lemme know



Well-Known Member
And also before I get to the big bitch....I gotta let you meet her little sister :-)

Miley....8 days old....12/12 from seed.....who knows what will happen.....fuck it :P



Well-Known Member
And now for Faith....she's altering between food and water every other watering which is about......A little bit more than half a gallon per 2 and ahalf days. If I only wait 2 days then the soil is still wet...but If I wait 3, then she almost dies.......

There are 2 problem tops...but the rest of the plant looks great....take a look



Well-Known Member
Alright now for the new problems I found out this morning....I don't know what this is? never seen it happen.....haven't done anything abnormal to the plant or anything so I dunno the cause? maybe it will work itself out...but it sucks it is on the main stem

I dunno if you can see it but, it is a new set of leaves that was growing fine but is now completely limp with a completely white underside...I dunno what to make of it...Nothing else on the plant is doing that so i dunno wtf



Well-Known Member
Ive done alot of searching and still cant find out whats up with what that leafset is doing....any help is appreciated, I'm not too worried overall about one leaf, but if that happens to the whole plant it wont be good lol. So im tryin to find out whats up


Well-Known Member
Hey man. Only time ive seen that color is when a branch snaps and it dies. But thats kinda a weird spot and probably isn't the reason. Anyways the plants looking really good. keep it up. good job on your previous stuff too.


Well-Known Member
Ya man she is looking really good, I wouldnt worry about that top, it could be anything and you have like 40 tops so i def wouldnt be worried.


Well-Known Member
Hey man. Only time ive seen that color is when a branch snaps and it dies. But thats kinda a weird spot and probably isn't the reason. Anyways the plants looking really good. keep it up. good job on your previous stuff too.
Ya man I think you are right, when I got up this morning that leafset just snapped right I can only assume that its branch snapped, even though I have never really any branches for leafsets break


Well-Known Member
Ya man she is looking really good, I wouldnt worry about that top, it could be anything and you have like 40 tops so i def wouldnt be worried.
Thanks man, ya I try not to worry about it. My plants in the past took way more abuse than this one ever has so pretty satisfied at the moment