Alchemical Solutions Certified organic Grain, Grape, Cane alcohols


Well-Known Member
I was hoping that someone has used products from here to extract, they seem like there legit???

If you have experience with them please chime in. I'm not so interested if you have used 190 proof grain alcohol as I know people use it, just more interested in this company it self. It's cheaper for me to order from them then to drive to Ohio to get everclear.


Well-Known Member
alchemical is in the building across the street from my shop where i work.

this past summer they had an explosion at the distillary. i dont know if they are currently running smaller batches in a temp space. but the building is still being rebuilt.

as far as their product goes, its legit. its organic. i know the owner. i see lots of people whom look like growers buying gallons this time of the year :)
i was going to use it, but its way more expensive than everclear.

