Alaskan Ice, Orange Bud, and Power Skunk


wat up ,ive been on here alot readin and shit before i start,im debating on using the sea of green,or growin regular plants.i saw a homeboys grow room and the bottoms of his plants didnt really have shit on it,do you think if i hung a light at the bottom of the plants it would grow better? and another question,whats the average you get off of a plant?


Active Member
starting out veg, alaskans...

theyre ready to clone almost.

ya know what time it is..

first round of cloning alaskan. be sure to seperate different phenos ya might encounter. tall lanky -more sativa looking, or the short fat girls that are more indica dominant.

few weeks later, a second pass of clones are taken if ya momma are ready for it. lotsa veg time here !

go easy on the light and i use no nutes when clones are rooting. heat mat is mandantory to root in the cool winter months. it tok me 10 frickin days to see anything going on with my clones. alaskan clones ust be that slow or the temp was too cold for this shit.

here's that tall lany girl pheno that i was telling you about. when i threw some girls into flower and 3 weeks later saw buds on most. these odd colored ones idnt do jack shit. i was really dissapointed . i hate wasting my time on anything. i tossed those clones in the trash and pulled her and sisters out and trashed em. that coloring was just odd and i thought something strange was up/ i kept the more indica looking ones and deff kept those clones. for throwing many out i still kept a bunch. this picture is that weird pheno that didnt do shiot in 3 weeks of flowering, watch out in case she shows her face in your guys grow rooms. a devious bitch indeed.

with a little help of bloom nutes and some of this at week 2 1/2/ 3 weeks, i started to add this beastie bloomz. i havent heard too much about it but i thought it was cheaper than bloombastic or advanced nutes stuff , i'll give it a shot. even if it doesnt work too hot i'll still have some good buds.

this is my alaskans just shy of three weeks. lil popcorn pieces but this is maybe the 4th day after using the beastie bloomz. i have em at 4 weeks nad some change now and they grow faster now, fatter, thicker. i'l have to take some current pics and throw em up on here as well for you man. still got a long ways to go for some good bud growth.


so there ya have it in a nutshell man. dont think i was trying to hijack your throw longhorn. i was trying to summarize where things are at to show ya how them alaskan are doing and what im working with. but as you already know, as your got alaskan, how things will turn out for you. all i can say is watch those odd colored girls, that one pheno, that strange girl type. she doesnt put out.. lmao


Well-Known Member
Its no big deal. I like to see them, all of my girls are pretty much the same except for one. That one she is full off buds but she has real droopy leaves. The rest, they all have buds everywhere. The Power Skunks I had to cut down. They were just overtaking the grow tent and it was them or Alaskan....Here are some pics I took just a few minutes ago.

One thing I have noticed one plant is getting orange hairs already, where as none of the others are...Very weird straint like you say....

The OB is also doing good, she is budding more than the first ones I had so very happy with her..

Here are some pics



Active Member
i got some of those free powerskunks awhile back and i gave em to my boy in okc, he tried em out and just like you said they overtook his spot! we kept in touch with pics and such but dammit man, those p. skunks grew like nothing i've seen in awhile. HUGE growth and he had a hard time re-doing his lights to accomodate them. good and was enjoyed later by all.

coming along with orange hairs so soon? that is kinda strange. it wouldnt be to close to the hps bulb would it? maybe not if you said you got air going str8 to your light. are u using any decent bloom nutes in adition to your regular nutes? additive wise...?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Here are some pictures from tonight. Growing like crazy. I have one Alaskan that has grown up to the filter so I added my flourescent light right at the top pointing directly to her and she already leaning for light. Buds on all of them are coming out great. Eating like crazy. Started using my Humus Acid last week and I can tell a huge difference in leave color and strength.

Will be leaving for Amsterdam here in a month...Can not wait to get there and enjoy some Spacecakes and a smoke!!!



Well-Known Member
You can see the first pic there is the one that is not getting any light on her cola as you can tell her from her droopy leaves. If you go down about an inch below that spot they are dark green and bushy, so will see what happens, sucks thats on the cola, but maybe that light pointing directly at her will help some...will give it a shot. Other than that, they are now getting real picky about eating. In hours time they will start to wilt up, not down, on me if they are getting hungry. This I am speaking about in only a 12 hour period. They are now drinking close to a gallon in 12 hours...smells unreal though....WOW a completely nice sweet smell.