AK48 indoor cab grow has brown spots. Please Help a newbie.


Hey all,
I have seen a few brown spots on the leaves and this worries me somewhat. You can see them on the pictures. Please let me know what you think they are. Here is a run down of the grow/setup to help diagnosis:

Strain is Nirvana AK48
Germ was direct in soil and popped after 36-48 hours.
4 85W CFLs that have ben 2" away from the plants until the last day or so. they are now 4" away as I am encouraging them to stretch a little to assist scrogging.
Medium is Bio-Bizz All Mix
No nutes used yet.
Watering has been via Tap water approx 3-4 days apart.
Mist most days and is generally when the light is on.
I have a fan blowing across the canopy and the temps at the canopy are approx 75 degrees.
I have seen a couple of small fly type creatures running around on the top of the soil. I cannot find any more after digging below the surface and cannot see any eggs. I don't know what type of creatures they are.
The plants are on Day 16 and still in Veg.


Well-Known Member
check this link out: http://www.gardenscure.com/420/plant-nursery/107527-revised-complete-guide-sick-plants-ph.html it has a shitload of the plant problems all in one thread. dont look serious to me. just keep an eye out on and see if it starts spreading. you mentioned bugs. the link above lists some pic of bug problems. throughout my grow a couple leaf tips would turn brown when my plants were little. it never hurt them though

im also growing ak-48. im 4 weeks into flowering and i love this strain.


Thanks for the comments. I am just concerned as I don't want to kill them. I have a feeling it might be because I misted the plants with the lights real close so will see if it starts speading over the next few days.

Anyone aelse have any ideas?


I just checked the plants and the problem is getting worse. After looking at the link posted by rsharp I think it might be the pH of the water I am using. I have a POH pen coing tomorrow so I will check it.

Am I right in thinking a 6.8 PH is about right for an indoor soil grow?

Triple S

Active Member
tap watter and misting when the lights are on ?

there's your problem.

mist them with the light off and be sure that they will remain like that for at least 2 hours. if you are on a 18/6 or a different schedule , mist with 2 minutes before the lights will go off.
leave the tap watter 24h to stay in a bucket and only after that you should use it. in this way , the chlorine will evaporat.
having chlorine in the watter is not good

good luck


Tested the PH of my water and its 7.6. This is too high isn't it? I have some PH down so will read the label to see how to apply it and try it out. Will also leave a container of water out so the chlorine can evaoprate.

Hopefully this will solve my problem.

Triple S

Active Member
the ph of your soil should be 6.5

check the ph of the runnoff watter after you wet your babyes


Well-Known Member
I have had spots develop like that it was caused from foliar feeding with hardwater... good advice to foliar spray right before lights go off that way they don't burn