ak47 problem please help

im growing some ak47 i veged them for 3 weeks and they have been in flower for 6 weeks now and have only just popped some pistol hairs out they did this a week ago and havnt done anything else yet all the other strains im growing are doing awesome the best ive ever done, i think ive been over watering the ak's because the leaves are a little droppy ive stoped watering them now until the soil dries up abit,is it normal after 6 weeks they havnt done anything? also they look like they are going to have stringy buds and not nice compact ones, can anyone give me some advice, thanks guys


Well-Known Member
pics are really helpful
i have grow ak 2 times i might be able to help after you fill out the form pleas sir
hi jimmy, im using 4 600w hps for 20 plants, the temps in the room are ok sometimes gets a little colder than it should, im using house and garden a+b, ioinic boost and bloombastic in the last 3 weeks, growing in soil, the ak's are in house and garden bat mix special guana mix( its the first time ive used this and i think its shit because it holds to much moisture in the soil,i no ive just had a over watering problem but this has just happened, im letting them dry until water again, the ak's seem to be tall and lanky but i think this is normal cos they are sativa, i also have g13, blueberry and jack flash but they are fine just the ak's what arnt doing anything after 6 weeks flowering, hope this helps cheers