AK47 Nearly ready for harvest - A Few Questions....


Well-Known Member
My AK47 plant is almost ready to harvest, I got my 60x-100x pocket microscope in the post to check the trichs, I want the couch lock high so is it right that I need to leave the plant untill 30%-50% of the trichs are amber?

How long would it normally take for them to turn from milky to amber, should I be checking every few hours or days or what?

Also I think I read on here its ok to chop the main cola off the top and leave the other smaller buds to fatten up, did I read right or am i making things up?

Im really excited about smoking this AK47, however I dont want to rush anything and I have plenty of weed to smoke while I wait for this to be ready so I wont be picking anything off or cropping it early. this is the first year I have grow my own and this AK47 is the best result I have had, Im so pleased with myself :D

I used tera vega while vegging and tera flores while flowering.

I got a few more questions but I forgot them, il come back and ask them as I remember them.

Heres a couple of pics taken on my phone this morning


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Nice Plant! When I am watching my trichs I check them 2x per day. Once they start going amber it will start happening fast. I also am a fan of the couch lock. I shoot for 80% amber and that last 30% seems to take a little longer, but well worth the wait.