AK 48, LST at 5 weeks of vegging. Should I start flowering?


Active Member
Hey guys & girls,

I've been LSTing my AK 48 for a little more than two weeks or so now with about 140w in CFL.

How does it look?

I'm thinking about starting to flower, and placing a SOG 'net' above the plant. I have about a foot/foot and half of clearance above the plant for flowering growth. The plant itself is probably about 8in tall due to the LST, so I might as well start flowering now?

(Also, not sure if it is male or female, so I'm a bit anxious to start flowering.)

thnx and luck with your grows!



Well-Known Member
I would start to flower now as you cannot afford any further vertical growth. The plant will stretch as soon as you put it in to flower, so if you have 4 to 10 inches left in vertical space you will be cutting it close to say the least. Flower now and tie down anything that gets unruly.....good luck with the grow:joint:
Just re-read it, if you have a foot or foot and a half left above the canopy you should be fine....still should flower soon though.
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Active Member
thnx ship- for that reason and to find out finally if it is a guy or girl, i think i'll start 12-12 today (i had been doing 24-0).