AK 48 after about 1 week


Active Member
I've had this one on 24-0 for about a week and so far it seems to be doing fine. I am thinking of starting nutrients because the bottom two leaves (the ones it starts with when it comes out of the seed) are turning yellow. I'm sure that is supposed to happen, but I think it's a good sign that it's starting to really grow. Also, it's getting a tiny bit stinky- a bit of a smell is noticeable close up. I have some 15 - 6.5 - 12.5 fertilizer for the growth phase, that i'll really dilute well before using. Oh yeah, I have one 45w CFL for now, and am thinking about getting one of those giant 105 or 200w CFLs for the future (you can see I have a tiny sprout from some bag seed that I've decided to try out too).

Any thoughts, advice? How does it look?



Well-Known Member
looks good....i usually wait until around 4 weeks to start any nutes...and at 1/4 str. then work up from there...it is still young to be giving anything to it....the soil should have enough goodies to keep it well fed until its ready to be pumped up


Active Member
Try and put your cfl at a horizontal angle cos there more efficient that way...and try and get at least another one of those 45w bulbs cos 1 of them wont be enough when your plant starts to get bigger...keep the lights as close as possible without burning the leaves
good luck


Active Member
thanks guys-- yeah, i need another light within a week. Also, it looks so much bigger in real life!! Seeing on the website I can see how it is actually pretty tiny to be putting nutes just yet (compared to the monsters on the site), but it looked a bit lighter green and I thought it might be a nute problem. I'm thinking I'll put the bulb horizontal like stoned said!

I should also mention I have a pretty crude but seemingly effective reflector made of a cylinder of paper with aluminum foil on it, about 10 inches tall that goes around the brim of the pot. I'll put up pictures soon of it-- since the light isn't crazy strong I haven't been too worried about burning. When I lower the CFL into the reflector around the plant it lights up pretty well, and I made little slats with foil on one side to cover up some of the top.

also, if I wanted to clone from it (hopefully it'll be a female) could I start it on 12-12 right now and when it shows gender clone it?

thnx guys-- big help!


Active Member
hot spots like what cops might see? I'm not too worried about that. Or hot spots that could burn the plant-- could that happen with 1 45wCFL?


Well-Known Member
hot spots are pockets of haot air in the growroom due to the uneven refraction of light from the tinfoil....its not about what light you use..its about the reflective material...with hot spots its hard to regulate your temps and can lead to stress on theplant from bad temps.......


Well-Known Member
idk man but that middle the the middle of the plant looks burnt?
maybe im just seeing things idk?


Active Member
yeah, i think it's purple. I thought the same thing at first but all the leaves so far have come out with a little purple which has gone away. I read that with AK 48 some are very purpley, for some reason.


Active Member
yeah, some are pretty green and some pretty purple. i think because it has been around for so long there are some pretty specific sub strains of AK 48. I wonder if that would change the characteristics of the smoke?


Well-Known Member
i just had a buddy finish 14 grandaddy purple and they are about 5% purple the rest a really dark green......you just never know....