AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH


Well-Known Member
cool, making hash as well. havnt ceased to amaze me yet epixbud,lol

if u get chance, will u upload how u did ur hash? ive been looking for ages but everything else is complicated. im trying to do it as cheap as possible without buying any extra stuff. i know u'll upload lots of pics :p

oh yeah and lets see the harvest of buds and what u got for hash. id like to see them :)

thank ya again smokeh.......... and i wuz born and raised on hash, so yup i gonna make some! lol....
i have only got a few shots of the stuff i used so i'll take more pics tonight , i made hash 2 ways, a cheap way and borrowed an exspensive tumbler, but both way worked good, just end result quality difference between them....

so here's my lady's last night, they looking so fukn good!




Well-Known Member
fuck fuck fuck.

all looks so good. let me in ur house to admire ur work and smoke ur products!!!!!

rep for ya... or should be this time. last few times ive tried to rep u its said i need to spread some love :p

edit: still saying i cant rep u again,lol.


Well-Known Member
Hope your having a great 420 there epixbud! Things are looking nice in there as they always do. I was going to post the other other night but was waiting for the pics you were going to put up, haha!!

So your building a aero/nft set-up?? You'll love it as it is so much different than running in soil. And cleaner!! The growth rate increase is what blew me away right from the start. And its cool that the clones never really have to go through any shock from the cloner. Whose method are you useing, or is it a combo. Are you going to use round pipe or the square posts??<----Lowes had them in 6' and 10' for the first time(at ours anyway) for $13(6') so I grabbed 10 just so I have them. All of my stuff is square though I think the round would be more stable(heavy-duty). I 've done all of mine in the 3" net cups because I run a G.H. AF and kind of need it all the same. I think it's StinkBud that uses the 2" cups and NO medium and I am thinking I wish I had gone that way(I could veg a hell of a lot more!).

I got my cloner done. No more bubbler. I have the first batch of 45 in there now(ended up with 9 rows of 5)since the 16th.......I didn't put a level indicater on my tub as I was worried about leaks.....it's getting a level indicater!! +rep4u!:clap:

So, I hope all is going good for you, Sir!
Have a great week!


edit: same as smokeh, spread the love.......................


Well-Known Member
well thank ya smokeh and growinman..........
and smokeh, you too far away! lol.......
and ya i'm building an Aero i think, lol, gonna have to wait till it's done to figure exactly what it'll be classed as.....
and i'm thinkin of 6" round PVC with 4" pots full of clay pellets.... um.... can't remember what they called.........
as for the level indicator.... try to find the Rubber gromets from a hydro shop, they only a few bucks and Work AWSOME.....make sure all drilled holes are just under the size they supposed to be and no leaks! you might find them elseware but not sure ware......

As for Pictures....... I dare say my cam died..... it won't focus anymore..... guess i lucky it worked till now after it's dive in my Rez....... I'll be getting a new one on friday...... i'll try to get some decent pics with my phone in the mornin tho...... frigin cam...... need water proof one....... fukn clumsy me........

OH Well....... Cheers to all......... all my lady's looking beyond sexy and almost got another batch done too, pics on friday for sure!



Well-Known Member
so here's some pics i took with my phone cam last night, not the best quality pics but pics they are!

so here be a peak at my sexy lady's both young and old..... :bigjoint:

oh ya, sofar my big ass plants have produced a min of 60 grams each.... got one done drying waiting to start curing............ bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
good day all, here's some pics with a borowed cam, lol, i'll get a new cam tomorow.....

all my lady's looking soo sexy!

got 1 batch thats just bout ready, and man oh man do they ever look different then the first batch's! heat wuz really an issue in my room, the new budz are way fatter and solid, with less leaf growth in them and more bud and crystal.......

i'm gonna be repotting the clones and tosing them into 12h after i crop this weekend, they growing supper good and need a trimming already too, that'll be done while repotting.....

The clones are all Romulan x SSH, and i'm going to do a full thread for them from cut clones to finish smoke, but again, not till after they into bigger potz and in 12h.........:joint:

and on another note...... my last big ass plant produced 80 grams dryed!


Check out my new cloner https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/175476-my-diy-aero-cloner-51-a-2.html




Well-Known Member
well, here's some update pics..... frigin uploading pics is takin forever today!.....
what a fukn busy day....
trimmed up all the mom's and topped them again too, they getting unruly again...
transplanted, cropped, rearanged everything....

i cropped 11 today, they are the last pic before they were hacked, and the finished hanging ones is them done.....
i transplanted 46 of my 51 clones and tossed them into 12h.... ran outa soil.....
theres some hash that wuz made with leftovers and clippings from the last big one i cropped, and some extra i had sitting round, still pressing it....... but it's worth it....
my next batch up is all rearanged and wraped to keep stray branch's inline....they are looking real good and should be done by may long weekend, so i gotta get clones going in a week or so again.....





Well-Known Member
Great showing there, epixbud! So why do your fingers look all green and stickyyy:?::arrow::dunce: hahaha right on!!!.......it'd be cool to see a good tric pic of the budzzzz too:hump: + final weight
So what are the clones of that your putting in 12/12?? How does that press thing work??

If your running out of soil..........hmmmm---get your hiny in gear and get that aero/nft fired up!!:mrgreen:...... Oh, and when/if you do, what nutes do you use?? Just asking because I was running all of Canna's line and awesome results @ $$........then I ran two groups through with the GH Flora Series and got the same if not better result for CHEAP!!----no boosts or anything(well, I did use some FF Beastie Bloomz seeings how I have it from the soil days....).
My first run through the cloner went pretty good though my roots aren't quite as long as yours. They seem reall soft and brittle too. I 've been useing a 396gph pump and I am going to lower it to a 185 or 264 next run....and I want to get a recycle timer for it too as I think the problems I am getting are from too much contant water spray...... but I only lost 2 out of 38 or whatever so far.......

Anyway, have a great week and enjoy the wonderful looking smoke!!



Well-Known Member
good day all, here be some update pics taken 2 days ago..... been workin and what not too much......:joint:

1 batch will be done by May long weekend, and the new batch only been in the 12h for 1 week now......

And my last crop off, finished/dryed/cured 11 plants made 6 1/2 OZ's......
and i must say, them is totally dif buds now, here's a pic of the mom and daughter bud's, same strain just without heat problems for the younger.....

gonna use the last ounce of the old stuff to make more has i think....
i gotta get some making today anyhow.... that would be a nice adder.....



Well-Known Member
good day all, here be some update pics of the moms (6)/ leftover clones (5)/ next finish flower batch (27) and new flower batch (46)......

they all look soo fukn good! yum yum ...............:joint:



Well-Known Member
so here's some pic's of my sexy lady's last night..... still trying to figure out what i'm gonna do with the last 5 clones... that next bud batch looking fun good......... :joint:




Well-Known Member
well, how do all........
i got fedup with watering everything by hand, specialy since there's like 5X more then i've had in there now.......
soo....... i went and got all the drippers and hoses to do a jug drip... lol, all liquides mesured and fed via single feed/jug....
frigin pain in the ass!............
first pump too small.... then the odd 1/4" hose too long..... finally got it figured/tested/setup for 70 of the flower room girls, 3 more but they in bigger pots so i'll feed them 3 by hand..... waiting for light's to come on so i can test them in the pots tho......
Joint time.. what's me flav.......... pot...... hash..... pot and hash....... yum yum... :joint:

hopfuly i'll get some more update pics up later........




Well-Known Member
so here's my funky lady's last night...... man those drippers sure make me watering eacy now.......




Well-Known Member
so here be my lady's this morning.....
man oh man are those bud'z ever bulkin out good with massive crystal everyware.....

couple of my older mom's looking pretty OLD these days..... think i'll clone new moms off them and bud the bigin's..... think i might cut new clones off all the moms to refresh them all, cept the HSS, they just came of clonable age.....
should i clone the mom's and then go plant the moms outdoors someware.... wonder if there stocks are to thin for that.....

and on a dif note.... i picked up 1 of those tower fans, i'm really surprized at how much air it moves on Low compared to my other fans on medium! the tower fan spreads the breeze out real nice from the floor up, and it osculates.......
i'm not in love with it, just thought i'd mention bout it for peeps with small grow space, it takes up very little space, is extreamly quiet and gives major airflow......

i keep trying to get a good bud shot, close up, but i just can't get my cam to do it yet......to many frigin features....






Well-Known Member
good day all, here's some last pics of the next batch, it's gonna get cropped tonight probly, gonna deside just before the lights come on again, i'll check the tric's then, lotza red ones last night...

gotta water the big batch i noticed... it'll be done in a few hours...

i'm definetly gonna clone the old moms and make new ones! they are looking too old for my likings........

i woulda had a new clone batch started already, but, i been gearing towards my aero system, so been waiting till i can get a definet date for it.......
and wouldn't ya know it......
my frigin car died on me yesterday......
so unless i can fix it or get it fixed cheap, i gonna have to put my aero system off till the next batch done..... fuk..

i will be taking the clones this weekend for sure now...... leaste i'll have 2 weeks to try and get the aero together or use soil.....

i've desided to use 2'x4' deep grow trays, 18 holes per lid.... so i only need to make 36 clones for the next full batch, then i can fill the other 15 holes in the cloner with New Mom clones, then i'll pick the best of them....

i would also like to pose a question, how good are lights such as T5's for use as Mother veg lights? thinking of changing out my MH for T5's




It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I use t-5 4 bank light for my clones. I take out all but one til they start to root. I bought some t-12 4' lights that i will be using to set up my new mother room. The t-5 would work fine but its only 2' long and I plan on having several mom's as I just ordered 7 strains from subcool's list. They should be at the address that i had them sent to today. I got their e-mail in 7 days that they recived my order and that they had shipped it. And since it wasn't there on saturday then they should be here today!

So i guess what i'm trying to say is that you will be fine with t-5 set up with your moms..... If you don't have to many.....


Well-Known Member
Good day all...

And hay there It's 5 o'clock somewhere, thank ya, thats just what i wanted to here....

I'll be retiring my 400mh for 2 sets of 4'- 4 bulb T5's,
I'll get a 2'- 4 bulb for the clones,
That will also allow me to add another 600w hps with no serious extra power use, think my budding lady's would like that....

So here's some new pics of my mother's this fine day....

The 2 closest pots are old AK and Rom moms, they were to unruly so i hacked them way down.....
The 2 in the middle are the HSS that i just cloned off, got 45 clones from them....
The back 2 bushy ones are Romulan waiting for the next clone time, so i didn't touch them....

I also took nuther 51 clones... 45 HSS, 3 Rom, 3 AK47.......
gonna use 3 of each as new moms.
I also put a timmer on the cloner pump this time, 15 on 15 off, gonna see how that works for me...
Oh ya, got my drain installed, almost forgot again, lol...........

And i just had to crop a few of my sexy lady's, they can still got for a few days but i had to taste the stuff, only a few red tricones but the rest are supper milky, i'll wait for more red tric's before i crop the rest.......



