Airstones and Roots


Hi guys,

This is my first grow and
I am wondering about my set up.

My plants have a nice root system now after a few weeks of growth. I have 2 airstones running directly underneath the dwc.

My roots are being pushed to one side in my resevoir because of the force of the airstones. This is causing the stems to grow lob sided. Lol. Its on the lowest setting, but my resevoir has limited space (2 .5 gallons).

Do airstones have to be direcly underneath the roots? I have space to manouver them in the resevoir so that they would not be directly pushing the roots to one side. Is this safe to do. Do airstones fill the whole resevoir with oxygenated water or just the water its pushing up?

Any help would be much appreciated...


Well-Known Member
In my five gallon bucket I got a 7watt pump with two 6" air stones hanging on the each side of the bucket and seemed to work so far for me


In my five gallon bucket I got a 7watt pump with two 6" air stones hanging on the each side of the bucket and seemed to work so far for me
Never thought of putting them sideways...think that could work. At least then there not getting hit so hard with the bubbles

Thanks for that man