Airpots vs smartpots


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used these? I'm going to transplant into one of these for my plants final home. The airpots seem like a really good idea with dimple holes throughout the container to provide adequate air to the roots. The smartpots work in the same way but are fabric and the roots basically get intertwined with the container itself. Not sure which one I'll go with yet but I'm kind of leaning towards the smart pots since they're much easier to get and I heard the airpots could be quite messy.


New Member
never had any experience with the airpots, but my buddy uses smartpots with great success. not only do they let oxygen into the roots, but the roots will also grow through the fabric, and stop, instead of wrapping around themselves.

i think trousers has some airpots. you might want to message him about them.


Well-Known Member
i have some smart pots, i love them! $ .50 bags from the store sound pretty adequate though.. i like a smaller container though, maybe i could modify the big bags to make smaller ones? hmmm, $ .50 for 2-3 bags? awesome!

BUT, these funky looking air pots are interesting..

ANyone with some good info on this?