air intake and out take


Well-Known Member
if im growing in a room and have 2 extractor fans 1 for the intake and 1 for the out take, should the intake fan be bigger than the out take fan or is it the other way around,

also should i bring the intake air from a open window or another room
and should i put the out take air out the window or another room



Well-Known Member
You want the exhaust fan bigger.

I would bring the intake air in from another room, you don't want really cold air coming in. If it is cleaned, then I would just exhaust your air right outside.


Well-Known Member
yea, exhaust should be more powerful - especially if you attach a carbon filter. it makes sure are only escapes out the exhaust. You probably don't need a fan for intake. a lot of people, including myself, just use open intakes (if you have the air pressure to do so).


Well-Known Member
thanks for your replies
but i would need an intake aswell as im doin a room
which is about 20x10ft
and i will take the air from the hall
and put the out take air out the window


Well-Known Member
well if a guy was running co2, he probably wouldn't want to constantly vent his expensive gas out the bloody window. That's one reason why not to have an exhaust fan running 24/7. Another would be noise. Another may be temperature. If you constantly venting the air outside, then you may have trouble keeping a temperature range inside the room.


Active Member
i have my outake on a timer so when my co2 comes on my outake shuts off. my fans and co2 system are all connected to an enviroment control unit save having the fans blasting when the room is ok temp wise.
the enviro control is ideal for winter when fans dont need to be run at full capacity.