Aig ..... Wtf ?


New Member
So is the government just going to give them 30 billion dollars every 3 months? They've already been given 150 billion and now they're "on the verge of failure" again.

Let them sink, I can't afford to support them anymore, I have my own insurance companies to support. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
So is the government just going to give them 30 billion dollars every 3 months? They've already been given 150 billion and now they're "on the verge of failure" again.

Let them sink, I can't afford to support them anymore, I have my own insurance companies to support. :cuss:
I'm with you on that, then again I was with you when everyone was bitching about the bank bail outs. Let them fail, or better yet, "Where's my bail out?"


New Member
I definently agree about letting Banks (Thieves), Insurance companies (Bigger thieves) and Wall street (the biggest thieves) fail. Should have let them fail from the start. Fire all the management teams, re-organize and re-structure, and maybe even nationalize them, especially the insurance companies. Australia has a system of nationalized auto insurance, works pretty well. No fat cat lawyers with huge settlements raping the public so rates go up every quarter. Drivers pay their insurance premiuns when they register their car. Costs much less than here in the USA, no fault of course, and settlements are based on the victims needs, determined by a panel of doctors and experts.


Well-Known Member
So is the government just going to give them 30 billion dollars every 3 months? They've already been given 150 billion and now they're "on the verge of failure" again.

Let them sink, I can't afford to support them anymore, I have my own insurance companies to support. :cuss:
the government isnt putting 30 billion in every thee months..YOU ARE.LOL SUCKER.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I don't really like the idea of nationalization really. I just don't trust the pricks in DC to run anything. I mean If I was running the show as a dictator I would, because I would know who the Fuck-up in charge was. Their was a time in this country when the states had their own banks.

If the states ran them in a responsible manner just think of the good that could do. They could be set up to put all the state employees retirement funds in them. Then use say 6 to 1 fractional reserve banking with the retirement funds to guarantee a steady amount of income for them. Then open up enrollment to everyone in the state under the age of 24 to replace social security for the younger generation. The state would have a monopoly on all mortgages and all loans over $1 million in that state.

I know California has 181 billion in its state employees retirement fund (CalPers) that would make 905 billion available for loans right now with no more bailouts. A stable supply of real savings that can not be withdrawn except as part of your retirement. So no bank runs, No stock to sell, no bundling and reselling your mortgage notes. Stable secure banking IMHO is what is needed in order to run a free market economy and if we have to nationalize anything this would be the way to go. You ever notice how every time we have a "Rescission/Depression" it always revolves around a bank failure??

You could also roll in unemployment insurance and medicare/medicaid into this system as well however the medical part would probably mean a net drain on the system, and eventual system failure however.


Well-Known Member
Yeah no shit that son of a bitch deserves to have it all taken and I will bet you $1 federal reserve note that if he is put in general population he will last 3 maybe 4 days before he is killed. And their will be great rejoicing and marry-ment had by all.


New Member
He shouldn't be allowed to keep anything in my opinion. Everything he has right down to his underwear should be sold off and all of the money should go to repay the people he ripped off. He shouldn't even get lawyer money out of it. Let him suck his lawyers dick for payment.

Have you seen Madoff seeks to keep NYC penthouse, $62M in assets? How about he seeks to not suck too many dicks in the prison showers.

This is why there is so much big time white collar crime these days, they know they aren't getting in trouble, other than a slap on the wrist. We need to make an example out of him.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Yeah folks, that why I'm stocking up on canned food and bullets! If the government keeps printing money at the current rate, the only thing that it will be good for is to wipe you ass with.


New Member
Well let's see ... Yeah, why not let the federal government nationalize big businesses? What the hell, they already run two big businesses ... the Post Office and Amtrak ... and we all know how well they control costs with those two businesses.. :lol:
