AG7: Weird growth on my baby plants!


Hey so after 3 days germinating, 2 of my 4 seeds have poked through the sponge, and one of them has a strange growth on its leaf. Deanna 23rd B~Day 076.jpgDeanna 23rd B~Day 075.jpgDeanna 23rd B~Day 078.jpgDeanna 23rd B~Day 079.jpg
Feedback welcome...


ok sweet, i was worried for a moment... Im a noob grower, and i've done some research, but can you tell me when will the plant begin to show its sex (male/female)?


ok sweet, i was worried for a moment... Im a noob grower, and i've done some research, but can you tell me when will the plant begin to show its sex (male/female)?
depends....what light cycle are you currently running? ( how many hours on, how many hours off per day?


Well-Known Member
Yea its just the stuff that holds everything together inside the seed shell. Its happened to me before too. It should fall off soon.


Well-Known Member
Rosecitypapa: I don't think that's not necessarily true in all cases. On a more gradual light schedule, (Starting at 20/4 and reducing the light by one hour each week), and using Technaflora's "Recipe for Success," my last grow started flowing on its own at 14 hours light and ten hours of darkness and they were still on the veg formula. I intend to repeat the process with my next grow and I'll let you know how it turns out. It may have been a fluke but it was wonderful.


Active Member
HSA, you're right. I like your protocol, it definitely reproduces nature more harmoniously. Did you start the reduction of light each week when the clones had formed roots or at another marking point? How tall were they are 6 weeks of veg? As I understand it, the nutrients don't really affect the plant and cause flowering as much as the amount of darkness it perceives in a "day". Some folks have success in having their light cycle stay at 20 and increasing the amount of darkness the garden receives until flowering is triggered. In that scenario, the total light the plant receives in it's life is increased. The downside is that THC production is at night so the longer photo period degrades the THC. I'm relating this not from my experience, only with what I've heard.


looks like the seed shell on there still should fall off soon. also i need to extend my lights but cant get the extension arm in the UK anyone know a DIY way of doing this? thanks