After Germinating?


My seeds germed and I put them in Jiffy little starter pots with MG Organic Soil, how long should I water or how often and how long until they sprout up?


Well-Known Member
Just of fear of over-watering, i'd only water at the most once a day...just keep the soil moist. It's way too easy to over-water. My buddy/caregiver killed my babies in 2 days...just because he over watered.

And usually it varies for them to sprout...anywhere from 3 a little over a week.


Just of fear of over-watering, i'd only water at the most once a day...just keep the soil moist. It's way too easy to over-water. My buddy/caregiver killed my babies in 2 days...just because he over watered.

And usually it varies for them to sprout...anywhere from 3 a little over a week.
Okay thanks, I watered just recently, but it drys up so quick, why?


Well-Known Member
My seeds germed and I put them in Jiffy little starter pots with MG Organic Soil, how long should I water or how often and how long until they sprout up?
Keep them moist, not wet, warm not hot and most should sprout in 3-4 days. If you have any stragglers don't give up on them because almost all will sprout eventually. Good luck my friend.


Well-Known Member
You have lights on it already? If so, it's probably just drying up the top layer. Good way to measure how wet it is...stick ur finger about an inch and a half'll be able to tell if it's wet or not. =D


They all sprouted in the paper towel, but I transplanted them into soil now, they're outside, I'm not an indoors grower.


Well-Known Member
jiffy pots are a curse, you should tear the cloth before it gets to be a problem

also ive seen MG kill seedlings, i hope your lucky, also that you didnt spend money on your seeds

heres what you should do next time. if youve got those jiffy pots still tsart a germed seed in those for a week of so. then tear the cloth and put it in a cup cup or small pot with soil. if your going to use the MG then pull all of the little green nute balls and you'll be fine. around 2 weeks later or when the plant out grows the cup transplant it into a pot with full strength MG

good luck man