Afghan Skunk Feminized Help!!!

diet coke

Active Member
stick it out side till you can get better lighting. If cfl go to walmart, home depo ect. and get at least a 55w to start keep it about 4 inches above the plant. this should give you a few weeks to read a book on growing.


stick it out side till you can get better lighting. If cfl go to walmart, home depo ect. and get at least a 55w to start keep it about 4 inches above the plant. this should give you a few weeks to read a book on growing.
i just got better lighting chemical fertilizer 18-18-21 bigger pots


Well-Known Member
Potman, not being a dick, but you are doing this all a bit backwards and you may want to purchase some literature on horticulture before proceeding. There is a lot you need to be educated on, and there is way too much BS here on the net. Jorge Cervantes makes a good one, lots of pretty pictures and factual information, as well as educated opinions. That's how most of us learned the basics.
i want a great yield and potent smoke and my fixture can fit about five or six cfls if not more if i used the whole thing
First, you need to get those lights closer and stop that stretch. Second, like Jozikins said get the "Marijuana Basics" and read it. It shows you with pics how to grow and care for your girls...this is a pic of my first grow, you can see how the lights are set need them close....good luck..

001 (2).jpg....and your CFLs need to be 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower...I use both in a ratio of 3 to 1...3-6500k to 1-2700k for veg and just the oposite for flower and here's my results...



Well-Known Member
Looks a little better now but you're still going to need to add more light, add as much light as you can as long as you can keep the temps low and please dont use the auto-watering thing as it'd be much more preferred if you controlled when you want to water.


First, you need to get those lights closer and stop that stretch. Second, like Jozikins said get the "Marijuana Basics" and read it. It shows you with pics how to grow and care for your girls...this is a pic of my first grow, you can see how the lights are set need them close....good luck..

View attachment 2615301....and your CFLs need to be 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower...I use both in a ratio of 3 to 1...3-6500k to 1-2700k for veg and just the oposite for flower and here's my results...

View attachment 2615305View attachment 2615306View attachment 2615307View attachment 2615308View attachment 2615309View attachment 2615310
well i have two cfls that put off 1250 lumens and just got a flourescent that puts off 1275 lumens and equals 5700k


Well-Known Member
It's looking a little better now, look around the house and see if you can find anymore lamps or what not to plug bulbs into. More light = faster growth


well i just got another lamp a cheap one but hey it works and the lumens now equal 5025 an its k equals 11100