Afghan Kush Cab grow... looky looky


Well-Known Member
Hello all! I am happy to start my first ever grow log. I will growing 2 Fem Afghan Kush and a unknown Indica(from the looks of it)... This is in a cabinet with CFL's for veggin, Probably going to go with a 250 hps for flowering. I don't have all the reflective stuff I need wally world was out. So it's bare at the moment.

I am using Hempy Buckets. 2 gallon bucket, a hole drilled about 2 inchs up for drainage. For the medium using a hydroton base about 2-3 inches to create a reserve, then a layer of Sphagnum peat moss then ontop of that Sunshine mix (comprised of Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, coarse grade perlite, gypsum, Dolomitic lime and wetting agent). I have the 2 AK's in solo cups of just Sunshine mix. All watered with a touch of hydroguard and Fulvic acid to help them root good.

Cab 51" tall 31" wide 20" deep: currently passive intake with osculating fan at the opening. At the top in the middle a 6" fan on low for exhaust. Currently around 76 degree's in there. Using cut Active cabon prefilters to block light but still breathable for intake and exhaust.

I am excited, if anybody has any suggestions, feel free!!!

CFL's 2 65 watt (2700k) 105 watt (5000k)

currently temp at around 75-76 in the cab.



Well-Known Member
anxious anxious

nice grow, just wanted to subscribe...

if you put your cfl's on edge you'd get more light out of them:hump:
I agree, horizontal lighting is better. also, you could add hoods. I'm using those spiral lights also, but with hoods. nice cabinet.


Well-Known Member
Wow, where did the crowd come from? haha. :)
Thank's all!
The two outer lights are about 2 inches from the gals, the middle is about a about a inch lower. Might play around with the light's. All i know is things are alright except getting alittle bit warm, keeping around 80 in box. In the next few weeks will be doing some new fan's ( and hoping a 250 watt hps). Of course it will be cool tubed with its own dedicated fan sucking out the hot air.

They are both about 10 days old and looking good. I am really liking this sunshine mix. It seems to retain a good amount of water yet it's not packed down like perlite/vermiculite mix feel's to me.
First pic is Ali
Second Pic is Kali
Third is the show :)



Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]So I was sick for a few days. Finally getting over a cold.

So 14 days after germination this is where I am at.
As they started to grow, I added more soiless mix to support them.
Last feeding, when I added the extra mix, Wednesday.
Each got a liter of water. 1/4th tsp of Hydroguard, Fulvic Acid and Grow Big added to each liter.

There seems to be some strange purplish markings around the top of each. Both look healthy, so don’t believe it's a deficiency? Any thoughts?

First pic, Ali
Second pic, Kali
Third, the set up right now.



Well-Known Member
So 3 days later the girls are growing. Seems they are hitting there stride now. Pretty quickly also. Last feeding was the 5th. Still moist up in dem pots. Thanks to downthedrain, I am going to pursue 2 150's DIY security lights. I think a cool tube will be added and some good fan's and I will be set.
First pic, Ali - she is starting to look mighty fine

Third pic - Kali - she's alittle behind in growth, but still looking great

And Furd- The gal's lovin the light. :)



Well-Known Member

Sorry, I know I have been slacking...

So last night, they got watered. It was 1 week from the previous watering. each got a half gallon, half tsp of Big Grow, Fulvic Acid, Hydroguard and I did use a drop of superthrive on both. They really loved it. I had to move the lights this morning and again when I got home, when the lights came on.
The second gal Kali is/was a bit behind in growth. Over the past day she has grown a bunch. Ali she has nice nodes already. I am getting that pleasant smell when I open the cab up. mmmm :)
I am happy with the progress they are making.
So here they are



Well-Known Member
Well just a verbal update. After recent thoughts of my current situation, I have decided I probably will not get a hps light at this time. I have a shite load of cfl's already. I am just going to do a CFL SCrog. :) I realize it is not the same, and can have good effect on yeild, but that's what I feel safe with right now. Maybe in a month or so If my situation changes up a bit, Might add it for late flowering. The important thing is I am going to follow through. Try Cfls all the way. My last grow was going great with them, but then ran into some heat issues and that ended quickly one said day... So I think with quality genetics plenty of light to cover the blanket of flowers, I should get a decent amount. That brings me to my next thought and this is a great one. I have plenty of wood from my last grow. Since I am using the cabinet, I will be investing in better ventalation and intake. I have aloted myself $30 dollars to make this all happen. A. going to scrog the current girls. Put them into flower real soon, get them growing. In the mean time, I have plenty of wood and like I said I have a night stash of lights I can build a small clone box. I was even going to use my LED panel in there that cuts the temps right down. Even the know it doesnt do much for plants, I actually had a good sucsess rate of rooting clones under it. I mean I could pretty much put right up to the plant with now heat effect. I take two cuttings off the current ladies, hope all 4 root, maybe 2-3 do. By then I might be able to invest in a better light rig... Ok so i am UP in the ClOUDS RIGHT NOW. MANNN>
So to recap, $30 dollar limit. Going to buy another small fan, get some emergency blankets hoping wally world has them in. They were going to order them the day i was looking for them. a couple of clamps for the cfls or might rig up a decent light fixute. Get some chicken wire, get that up in there and watch them grow in to it :)



Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I will update with new pics. I just put them into flowering. The nodes are looking purdy... I am trying a experiment now. I added bushmaster to the one, and monster bloom to the other haha. Should be interesting.