affects of nitrogen defficency permanent?

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
my lil baby is suffering from nitrogen deficency and her bottom leaflet is complete yellow and curling...... i have been adding nitrogen in and i am just wondering will it go back to green again or is the damage permenant


G Farmer


Active Member
The leaf damage will be permanent, but new leaves should not show signs of the deficiency (assuming all is well).

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
ya thats what i thought good thing she only on her 5th node so those bottom single and trip leaflettes that are affected will eventually fall off naturally anyways.....
......... hopefully i dont have PH lock out.... but i highly doubt it cuz all i use is distilled water it may be because at the very begining i tried some flowering ferts till the 3rd node to give the root system a jump start because phosphorus helps develop the root system..... i obviously used a very very weak solution... and it was organic too

thanks supaleeb for the confirmation

G farmer

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
Would the leaves that have the Nitrogen deffieciency... if i burried them in the ground would they turn into roots or are they beyond that and will just die???

any responses will be appreciated


G Farmer***


Active Member
Any leaf that has chlorosis and/or necrosis is a goner, but don't worry it won't hurt anything. You should always remove dead or dying leaves, and throw them away. Do not leave them in the soil, or in the grow room for that matter. Dead and decaying leaf matter is a giant welcoming zone for unwanted pathogens and mold.
Distilled water is really low in ph in general, so pH can be a problem. ALWAYS pH your water :) Even if it is rudimentary like the drops or strips, make sure you get it in a good range at least close to 6.3-6.5.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Distilled water is really low in ph in general, so pH can be a problem. ALWAYS pH your water :) Even if it is rudimentary like the drops or strips, make sure you get it in a good range at least close to 6.3-6.5.
Distilled has no pH. Or rather, it is balanced at exactly 7.0. There are no impurities in the water to displace hydroxide and hydride. Distilled water is TERRIBLE for growing.

If you want filtered water you use Reverse Osmosis filtered water. Distilled and Deionized water are not good to go. Of the two, distilled is better, but you need to prepare it ahead of time incorporating cal-mag and micro supplement and allowing the solution to harmonize for at least a few hours before applying the rest of the nutrients or feeding to the plants.

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
oo thanx dreadhead and snow crash plus rep for u 2 i noticed u didnt say anything about the flowering nutes for the first 3 nodes..... do u think my theory that it will help the root system early on giving it like a jump start.

what kind of water would u suggest me to use or any additives i can use that are just around the house to make the distilled water useable.... i no tap water is worse than distilled or am i wrong

i always thought distilled water had no cholorine or anything in it so its the next best thing to rain/natural water.... thanx alot so do u think my soil prob does have Ph lock out???...... i dont got any money for a ph reader........ would a hottub chemicle tester strip thing do the same shit?????


G Farmer***

Brick Top

New Member
Chemical Nutrients

Advanced nutrients Grow (2-1-6)
Vita Grow (4-0-0),
BC Grow(1.2-3.2-6.5)
GH Flora Grow (2-1-6)
GH Maxi grow (10-5-14)
GH floraNova grow (7-4-10),
Dyna gro Grow (7-9-5)

Organic Nutrients

Dr. Hornby's Iguana Juice Grow (3-1-3)
Advanced Nutrients Mother Earth Grow (1.5-.75-1.5)
Earthjuice Grow (2-1-1),
Pure Blend Pro (3-1.5-4)
Bone Meal(0-10-0)
Blood Meal(12-0-0)
Fish Emulsion (5-1-1)
Seabird Guano (11-13-3)
Crab Shells(2.5-3.0-.5)
Pure Blend Grow (0.4-.01-.5)
Marine Cuisine (10-7-7)
MaxiCrop Seaweed (1-0-3)
Super Tea (5-5-1)
Mexican Bat Guano (10-2-0)
Sea Island Jamaican Bat Guano (1-10-0)
Kelp Meal (1-0-2)
Seaweed Plus Iron
Neptune's Harvest (2-4-0.5)
Alaska Start-Up(2-1-2)
Bio-Grow (1.8-0.1-6.6)
Age old Grow (12-6-6)
AGE Old Kelp (.30-.25-.15)
Neptune's Harvest (2-4-1)
Maxicrop Seweed(.1-0-1)
METANATURALS Organic grow (3-3-3)
METANATURALS Organic nitrogen (16-0-0)

So adding anyone of these above should fix up your nitrogen deficiency! Nitrogen deficient plants usually recover in about a week, affected leaves will not recover and if you bury them they will not turn into or grow roots.

Now if you added to much chemical nutrients and or organics, (which is hard to burn your plants when using organics) you need to flush the soil with plain water. You need to use 2 times as much water as the size of the pot, for example: If you have a 5 gallon pot and need to flush it, you need to use 10 gallons of water to rinse out the soil good enough to get rid of excessive nutrients. Soluble nitrogen (especially nitrate) is the form that's the most quickly available to the roots, while insoluble N (like urea) first needs to be broken down by microbes in the soil before the roots can absorb it.

Note: Blood Meal, Dried Blood, Guanos, Kelp Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, Peat Moss, Sulfur and fish meal are all acidic and can bring your ph down, so if you add these please monitor your ph when using those.

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
Thanks Brick Top..... lol i was like wtf is this crack head doing posting random shit in my shit........ then i realized it was for the dilemma i was in thanks man... im an organics man but i no the chemicle ones are releasef faster so ill prob grab the chem and organics..... the plan hit er 1 feeding chem and the rest org

thanks for the flughing ratio i didn't know there was a ratio to flushing....... i always thought heavy watering plain water.......... now im more of an outdoor grower i justrecently have been doing indoor to see the years batch of seeds to see how the cross turned out. so i get better sence of what i am needing to prepare for come outdoor season............ so how much water should be used when flushing outdoors??


G Farmer***


Well-Known Member
I think we have the same problem. Im having a hard time pinpointing the problem, but from reading your post i think we have the same problem. Am i wrong.....And sorry bout the big ass pics...pc slo and wont let me manage attachments
