Affects of changing from tent to outdoor?


Just a question regarding how a plant may be affected by moving it from a tent grow to purely outdoor? I'm not exactly sure on the age of the plant when it was first removed from the tent, however in the last week, maybe due to extreme random melb hot weather, it's started to severely thin itself out leaf size wise but there are flower pods on a majority of the plant now.

The plant is, from what I've been informed, an AK-47 that was going to be disposed of as it was a male and an attempt to give it sex change didn't quite work, now the plant is being used simply to grow for a yielding of seeds and a collection of pollen and nothing more. There are a few female heads that popped out during the attempted sex change but seed pods are now becoming quite apparent and there has been flower/pollen collection happening over the last week. But as above, the leaves have gone from a thick wholesome leaf with good plant coverage, to a very thinned out (still green) leaf size and not seemingly as much coverage (maybe due to being thinner). Sorry for not having pics, problems uploading from phone.

I'm just keen to find out what affects moving from an indoor/tent/hydro grow to an outdoor grow can have on a plant.


If your using 1000 watts you can put them straight in the sun any less acclimate first
I take it duration would also come into play? But to what kind of scale. It would be getting around 12 hours "daylight" which includes lots of cloud cover and also can be high winds at times.