Aeroponic pump on a timer?


Active Member
My hydro store guys keep telling me I should put my AeroFLO pump on a parabolic timer, or some sort of device that will allow the pump to run on and off every so often. The problem is that the diff guys at diff stores tell me different time periods, one says it will strip magnesuim out if I dont the other says differently.. anyone have any advice, or know if this is necessary? Please help thanks!


Well-Known Member
From the stuff I have read..the intermittent spraying and partial drying of the roots works well. Better than a constant spray. The deal you need is also called an event timer.

Big Wheel


Uses the Rollitup profile
When I used an AeroFlo the pump ran continuously. That was some years ago, and using the original AeroFlo, the one with the round tubes. Why not call GH, they have great tech support guys.

HTH :mrgreen: