Aeroponic Coliseum Advice


Active Member
All knowing members of RIU can you help me?

I plan on starting a 2 level aeroponic coliseum grow. I must admit that the coliseum was not my first choice for an aeroponic grow. I had intended to build my own version of the ever popular aeroflo60, however i was presented with the opportunity to get this coliseum dirt cheap and the potential for a huge yield from this thing has ultimately sparked my interest. Now before i have a million people respond to this thread and tell me how hard aero is, im just letting you all know i dont believe you and i dont care to hear it.

Now, i have googled "aeroponic coliseum" and have located links to threads on a similar website as this which no longer exists and thusly the threads have also disappeared. I was hoping that someone on RIU either remembers what im talking about and perhaps saved some information about such a set up, or someone on here can answer the few questions i have regarding running a coliseum in an aeroponic manner.

First I notice that there are not sprayer heads located at every plant site like the aeroflo i was originally planning on emulating. In fact there is only one main hose that runs along the top of each coliseum unit. This hose has the sprayer heads for that whole unit, and it is my suspicion that this wont be enough to water the plant sites at the bottom of the unit. Am i right? or is it that mist created at the top of the unit falls via gravity and can effectively water all of the plant sites.

second, i use an aeroponic cloner(ez clone) for my current op. I am wondering if it would be a good idea to root my clones in the coliseum. I ask because the technology being used seems comparable, and I cant imagine an easier way to grow then take the cuttings from the mother root them in the coliseum and then directly push them into flower.

Mostly by starting this thread i hope that someone on here has already been down this road before me and can give me some good advice to use while growing aeroponically in a coliseum
Thank you in advance


Active Member
ok so maybe my first post was confusing... what can i say i must have been ripped! really what i need to know is if i should add more sprayers to this unit. And i don't necessarily need this advice to come from previous coliseum users. Basically has anyone experimented with sprayer placement in any sort of aeroponic system? what i need to know is: is there a specific sprayer density(# of sprayers per unit area) that i should be aiming for where if i have less than this density it will be detrimental to the plants, and exceeding this density no longer has a positive effect on the health of the plants. I'm sure that no official experiments have been done but i would love to get a sense of what everyone else is aiming for in there DIY aero set ups. A sprayer per plant site seems a little excessive in a vertical set up to me but id love to hear some feedback.