

Active Member
I'm using the nutrients that came with the system for tomatoes is this going to be enough nutrients for the plants. or should they be getting more nutrients more frequently than every 2 weeks. I also need to know when n what should I prune.


Well-Known Member
Those nutes are made specifically for the tomatoes... I wouldn't recomend using them at all.


Well-Known Member
Yea... You don't know exactly what is in them for one... Also don't know how much of what is in them. If you use them your plants will turn yellow and probably die after a while. How old are your plants and how many of the nutes have you used?

Edit: Read up... don't start in the middle of the thread either... All the info you will need can be found in these threads.


Active Member
well there there 18 days old around 8 inches tall and really bushy only about 20 % of the main stem is visible. I've only used the starting nutrients N 1 dose of the other stuff.


Well-Known Member
you should be ok then, but I wouldn't use anymore... Im using expert gardner 20/20/20 and mixing it in a 1 gallon container @ 1/8 mix... I add a half cup to my water once a week and havn't had any problems... If you have a hydro store near you, I would recomend getting fox farms.

Edit: Post some pics if possible


Active Member
yea there is alot of info on that page alot to take in thanks for the help though it'll probably be about a week before the I can post pics. but I will. but I gotta order a couple more of these gardens I (don't think 5 of them is going 2 be enough)


Active Member
well I have one that's built but it's at my other house N that is used when the plants get to big for the aerogarden It just holds alot more than the aerogarden does N I get them at 1/2 off so it's kinda economical to do it this way.