aerogarden liquid nutrients.


SUp guys! Have few questions about the nutes that comes with aerogarden master garden delux. any help would be greatful !!

1. is it OK to use liquid nutes that comes with AG ( seeding to harvest ). some ppl says its all good to use but some are saying its not Lol.

2. IF yes, what is the schedule of using it? ( 1 nutes every 1 week? )


I use the areogarden 3 part nutes.Dont know about the kind thats already mixed that came with,but their 3 part nuts that you got to mix up works good.I grew this with em006.jpg
Best to not use those nutes. Go with GH Flora series. I've got some for cheap. Email me if interested and I can break down the cycle for you.


Active Member
Use every two weeks as nute light comes on aerogarden i use it from seed and veg stage" check my getto nutes post


Well-Known Member
DSK420: you have to consider that A/G's nutes weren't formulated for what we're growing. Their nutes are designed to keep their culinary herbs in a perpetual vegetative state for continuous harvest. I used them for a while but it's hard to get our ladies to flower regardless of what yo do with the lights. Unless you're just harvesting the leaves off your plants you're probably going to want to try another brand of nutes.

At this point let me put in a plug for Technaflora's "Recipe for Success." And no they don't pay me. I use them and I've been very happy with the results I've had for the last couple of years. It comes in a sample kit for around $30 that will last you a long time in an Aerogarden. All you'll need is a set of mixing spoons, a gallon water jug and a pH tester. Their very forgiving, my plants love them and I haven't looked back. HSA