Aerogarden club

Perma Baked

Active Member
is there a way to get multiple ounces? Everything I've read so far people are topping at like 1. I'm planning on using the Ag pro 200 btw.


Well-Known Member
is there a way to get multiple ounces? Everything I've read so far people are topping at like 1. I'm planning on using the Ag pro 200 btw.
do more than 1 plant .. Ive been getting a oz dry off of each plant .. doing 4 plants is the max I would do ..
Hijack at 16 days old



Well-Known Member
you can use the AG Nutes, but only at half strength so instead of 2 use one...
i like them personally, you dont really need to change the res the entire grow, and it has a PH buffer in it which is nice for someone that has very high PH (like me) so if you dont have money for nutes or wanna get something else like a better light then go for it :-D


Well-Known Member
but i did think that was sweet, it doesnt say aerogarden ANYWHERE on the thing tho lol, the took all the markings off it like you couldnt tell what it was!


Well-Known Member
i know that there are already 10s of posts about this, but i thought this would be a good place for everyone who is using it, to actually say if you are, so i think it would be good if only people that are using the aerogarden post in this one, i know im not a mod, but itd be cool for people to tell what they KNOW works and what some people would change for next time.

i KNOW that foxfarm nutes have been amazing in dealing with the aerogarden.

just talk about what youve learned and what you are gonna change if you do it again, and if you are new ask for help
bongsmiliei havent added any nutes yet day15 but i dont kno if i should use the nutes dat came wit its da herb nutesbongsmilie in high times they used tomatto kit and looked yummy! so should i do da same? i dont kno wat would happen if i put no nutes in?????:?::?::?::?::wall::wall: can some one help


Well-Known Member
the canna nutes are working wonderfully n this grow.Last i used gen. hydroponic was goodbut not like the canna line.The Rhizotonic is very good for stresses and help build a more healthy, stronger root system.


Well-Known Member
I have been reading for several weeks now but I am a newbiw to the forum AND to growing period, inside or outside. I am impatiently awaiting the arrival of my aerogarden. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has contributed to this thread, there is TONS of useful and helpful info in here. I am sure I will be posting alot of newbie questions in the beginning, I look forward to sharing my experiences with this thing.


Well-Known Member
I have been reading for several weeks now but I am a newbiw to the forum AND to growing period, inside or outside. I am impatiently awaiting the arrival of my aerogarden. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has contributed to this thread, there is TONS of useful and helpful info in here. I am sure I will be posting alot of newbie questions in the beginning, I look forward to sharing my experiences with this thing.
if you look through the GROW FAQ you find alot of ur answeres there,if not just ask away:lol:


Well-Known Member
Thanks purp., I'm sure I will have lots of questions. I think I have read at least 99 of your 111 posts, You, Gypsy, Nirvana, and I few other select on here (I won't try to name ALL names, I'll just leave someone out and I don't want to offend anyone), I have tried to read every post yall have made, yall guys have a wealth of info to share. Some of the terminology is what has me the most confused right now but I'll figure it out with some reading. I started on THIS particular thread this morning (when I got to work,lol) and I am on page 56 of the 80 before I went to lunch, I still got about 30 more pages to read JUST on this thread. Thanks again and I'll post up some questions when I at least get my aerogarden.


Active Member
I too am new to the AG game, purchased 5 Fem Auto Flowering AK47 x LowRyder 2 seeds and an AG, both have arrived and i plan on germinating soon, I'll def be asking lots of questions in the coming months =)