aeroflo 60 Vs. aerojet 8 tray


Well-Known Member
Im in the market and would love to know what fellow gardeners have to say about the 2 which is better.
I've had a G.H. 60 site before and it was very cool but theres another sog monster out there and I want to know the pro's and con's befre I drop my money or if there are any other out of box aero systems that I could be informed about


Active Member
having used the aeroflo and modified them to be true aeroponic...i'd say that the aeroflo is more economical. However as far as out of the box is concerned. the aerojet is a better system.


Well-Known Member
just by dicking around with an aerojet in the shop its definitly a better product, i canned the dyi aero fence post system cus it was too hard to clean, the AJ is basically rockwool slab trays with lids, any system that has lids in aero is much better than having a long channel, pop it open pull out dead roots , spray it down and ready to go again


Well-Known Member
morning Mr. greenberg long time ! I was shopping for that product awhile ago I was gonna have them go custom with it I wanted 3in holes and and 64 of them I think the number was gonna 2400 bean but that didnt sway me I think my problem was that they where gonna take 8 weeks to have the product to my door really wanted the AJ would have rather have it sitting in my garage than this POS AF60