Aero Garden Time Settings


Well-Known Member
lol, I wasn't laughing at you dude... I was laughing at the phrase you used when describing the aerogarden... "master minded super duper marijuana garden" You can grow some decent budage with it, but its far from super... Depending on the strain you plan on growing, you won't want more than a couple of plants in it... i have three and they are getting cramped bad!


Well-Known Member
Thats what I started out on also... trust me, set it to salad greens... Also read through Tek's threads on the aero... there are alot of good tips there...

Also thanks for the complement... I have ALWAYS been an asshole... Ask my wife, she'll tell you... peace


Well-Known Member
For the pump or the lights? You will need to go to a radio shack and get a figure 8 plug for the light hood so you can run it on a seperate timer.