aero cloning had some problems need a bit of help


Well-Known Member

So my fogger was not working correctly, as my thermostat was half busted it was not running correctly also due to this enough water was not leaving the system meaning that when I sprayed the top of the cuttings this increased the water level reducing the amount of fog the fogger was making.

So anyway my cuttings were covered in rooting gel and put in the cloner at some point over the last few days the problems happened

They look healthy enough but I`m 2 to 3 days in and have no root development and due to the other issues I`m wondering if I should just take a fresh batch of clones or let these ones run for 5 to 10 days and see if I get any roots ?

See I have to flip the mums over to flower as soon as I get some clones root so it`s slowing down my production, how long can you leave a cutting that`s had root gel on it just in open air is what I guess I need to know to make a choice on if I`m going to just cut some more clone or not.

Saying that then I`ll have to wait about a week for the mum`s to recover so I can flower them

I`m dammed if I do and dammed if I don`t it seams ?


Well-Known Member
I would give the clones a bit of time. It can take a week to get roots sometimes.


Active Member
sorry for jumping in but do you have your fogger on a timer or does it constantly run? i've just built a fogger cloner and cant find a thread on the subject