Aerating Water Ph Problem?

Im using distilled water w/ 2 airstones and 2 water pumps to aerate about a gallon of water that starts out at 6.0 then mix in Iguana Juice bloom and Bud Candy and Silica Blast. Then 8 hours later its above 9.0? I adjust it to about 6.5 then an hour later its back up to above 9.0? I want to get as much oxygen in the water but not if its going to swing the Ph. Am I aerating too much or is it the nutes or what???


Well-Known Member
I have pretty much the same thing in my cloner and the air doesn't affect my PH at all so I'm guessing the nutes your using.


Active Member
yeah they always say stick with one company for nutrients, i dont, but that may be the issue, like dude below me said, take bud candy out and see what happens.

I know if you were running a dwc and your ph kept rising it means you have some bad bacteria thriving in the water which is no good..
maybe one of the nutes are out of date too...


Active Member
Stop bubbling organics. When you bubble organics, it raises the ph. I see no ph change with Bud Candy.