Advice on grow setup


New Member
Hi Guys

I'm after some advice on a grow setup i am building.

My goal is to produce at least 50 oz per harvest.

This is what I am thinking for this setup,

Grow tent - 120 x 240 x 200... with all accessories inc nutes.

Lighting - Budmaster 2 LED Lights - either 4 x 675-XG or 2 x 1200XG or i may go for fero lights still need to look into it.

Strain - Thinking either barneys critical kush or i have seen the think different auto produce a lot of yield per plant. (which would be best suited for bigger yield? - or does it matter)

Growing media: Soil

I want no more than 20-25 plants in the tent.... i think the tent space i am considering should be capable of that.

So looking at this, what would be the best option for the lighting, the 4 675s or the 2 1200? I was thinking the 4 675s for more light spread?

Also would like some advice on which might be the better strain to grow? And could i achieve at least 50 oz with this setup... i am assuming yes if i can aim to target 1GPW.


Well-Known Member
I would go for 4 lights, it helps by making a 'third light effect' between lights. For strain I would recommend some sannies seeds, high yield and potency, either jack, kolosus or selene. If your serious about getting that much yield, I would suggest growing vertically


Active Member
what is the size of the tent 120x240x200 in what mm? so its a double tent?
i use a double tent, do 10 plants, under 2x 600 hps and pretty much always get 40 averaging 4 per plant. for strain i always do from clone, blue cheese.
i cant comment on what you can expect to output as your going led's,
but 20-25 plants in that space will be tight unless you only short veg, i usually do 4 weeks on 24hour then flip.