Advanced Nutrients Noob

I am pretty new to growing and I was hoping I could get some information from you guys at RIU regarding nutrients. I recently purchased some advanced nutrients mother earth blended natural super tea. I am using fox farm ocean forest soil and I am ready to start using these nutrients. I am wondering how often do i use it? every other watering? I am pretty unfamiliar with nutrient feeding schedules as this is only my second grow.


Active Member
I use the same mother earth super tea grow/bloom. Really how often u use it depends on how often u need to water them. With mine outdoors, evaporation is so slow i only water roughtly each week so i feed them with each watering. Otherwise i start to see a nitrogen def. If ur indoors i imagine ul water them more often, so id say if its less than every week they need watering feed them every other watering. Really ull need to look out for N def and ul know from that.
When using synthetic (chemical) nutrients its important to go every other to reduce salts building up from what nutes the plant doesnt use. As far as im aware this doesnt apply to organics. ( Anyone please correct me if im wrong).
Just start low on the nutes n build up as u go. If ur soil already has a pre mix of nutrients in it ul not need to feed them untill u see N def as leaves turning pale green from the bottom up. I use biobizz allmix as a soil n this occurs after about 3-4 weeks. From ther i started on 1/4 strengh which was about 3.5ml per litre (am i right in sayin they recommend 7-15ml for use on its own).
Only today did i move up to 7.5 per litre and thats 3 months since they wer seedlings.
I hope this helps!


Active Member
Im glad to help. The ones currently getting 7.5ml are about 85cm tall, sorry i cant say how many nodes off the top. There naturally bushy plants. Id say its not advisable to judge feed strength on height alone as the plants genetics could mean its short yet really bushy therefore more mass, meaning more nutes. Mine also dnt get direct sunlight early in the day and towards the end of the day which has caused them to stretch by about 10cm.