advanced nutrient solutions comment


Hello, Im growing using a RDWC system with 8 buckets and drip rings. Now For the seedling stage it calls for 300ppm. Now my question is If I keep my drip system on 24/7 at a slow drip do I need to only put a 1/6th of that solution in the reservoir which would be roughly 50 ppm. Heres what advanced nutrients said.

"As far as mixing the reservoir and dripping your plants every day with the 300 ppm solution, NO! As the instructions indicate, you should mix the solution at 1/6th of the rate (if you are going to feed your plants every day) and only mix the reservoir at 50-60 ppm for that week. Drain out at the end of the week and repeat for the next week at 1/6th the suggested rate."

Does this sound right to you? Doesnt make quite much since to me though.