Adding em1 to aact!


Well-Known Member
I can't really find much info on this? I was wondering about adding a Lil em1 to my compost tea towards the end before I use it? I was wondering how the aerobic and anaerobic microbes would work together or if they would just have a battle lol!


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing you have, or will, expand the EM1? Even the small bottle of concentrate will expand to make over 10 gallons of EM1.

The microbes don't 'battle', but the conditions of where it finally ends up will determine which microbes predominate. If it's soil or such, the aerobic will predominate. If it goes into a septic tank or similar low oxygen environment, the anaerobic will take off.

But, yeah, adding a bit to your compost tea isn't going to hurt anything.
