adding air to roots in soil.


Active Member
hello folks i'm using buckets now my space for flowering is 5 1/2 by 5 1/2 ft 8ft tall.if i built a big dirt box that big and added an air hose buried in soil.releasing say 20 lb of pressure of 20.9 percent oxegen what we breath.would it be wouth the effort i relize i would have to be more carefull of bugs and mites.i heard opinions of oregon growers some say yea some say it will kill my plants but hydro gets air to roots they don't die.what do you guys think and has anyone tried this method?


Active Member
hello folks i'm using buckets now my space for flowering is 5 1/2 by 5 1/2 ft 8ft tall.if i built a big dirt box that big and added an air hose buried in soil.releasing say 20 lb of pressure of 20.9 percent oxegen what we breath.would it be wouth the effort i relize i would have to be more carefull of bugs and mites.i heard opinions of oregon growers some say yea some say it will kill my plants but hydro gets air to roots they don't die.what do you guys think and has anyone tried this method?

If you want more air around your roots adjust your growing medium by adding something that doesnt retain water and breaks up the soil. You can also put a "rock bed" in the lower 1/4 of your planter to allow for more drainage.


Well-Known Member
i already thought of this before and posted it on here and most ppl started talking shit saying that is sooo dumb and all this stuff... but what i got from most ppl was that the air most likely isnt going to evenly distribute all over its prob ganna just blow in one spot and thats it...
and that it drys the soil way faster then normal= more water... and that the air hitting the roots like that might not be good... and that it will get clogged really fast...

hey if it works for u keep it up is what i think.... but those are some of the things i was told.. thought i would share


Active Member
the bottom would consist of disenfected small rock.So you guys are saying this shit has never been done and spoken about.well when i brought up the big box theory i was told from a grower.he had heard of one guy using it and saying it's the best way if you ask him.but never anyone adding air flow to the roots.i spent years at a tire shop thats were the air hose comes in which if poke small holes in should release even.then delivered o2 thats were i learned about o2 in air we worry is if i drill holes in the floor drain to outside will my drains freeze.this is my first oregon winter.if go threw with this i will keep all posted.they called me a dumbass for feeding my outside plants gallons of merical grow every three days.check my profile thats my very first!