adderal and seroquel


Well-Known Member
i took about 70 mg of amphetimines this morning from about 10:30-12pm. its now 4 am and i would like to sleep because badfish is later today. (starts at 6 but i doubt theyd go on till like 9) so i dont have to be up till like 5ish but will seroquel put me to sleep or is this dangerous to mix? any answers are appreciated


Well-Known Member
Not much info on it but people who have experienced the combo with the same situation. I have also used this and it works quite well, some reports mention hallucinations(auditory/OEVs.) I didnt get them from Seroquel, but experienced the same delightful "Dream-Like" hallucinations from Ambien =D.

Im not sure how often you take Adderal and your usual dose, but 70mg is pretty high for someone who doesnt take it often and or use to a smaller dose, could leave you up for days. I personally do it once a week mostly, 125mg at around 10pm after being up all day, and end up going to be 10pm-2am the following day, sleep till 8 strangely well rested when I wake up. You just have to judge how long a certain dose will keep you up if your worried about using seroquel to get to sleep but I wouldnt be worried to do it in the future if you didnt already do so.

I know this is a day later sorry =\


Well-Known Member
yeah another 75mg would have done nice for the rest of the next day. I just dont like how weed is so dulled down, making me smoke and smoke and smoke, for no reason basically.

I must say DXM and smoking weed is much on the opposite scale, every hit propels you deeper and deeper into the trip. I like substances like this as weed is useful as a booster, especially while peaking, best time to make it more intense =D!
Seroquel is an anti-psychotic, so you'd be way better off taking some benzos (like valium, xanax, adivan, or klonopin-all used to treat anxiety) to counteract amphetamines and dextroamphetamines, or maybe even an Ambien. Drug cocktails are VERY dangerous, so be EXTREMELY careful. You want to make sure the you actually WAKE-UP.