achieving maximum yield


Active Member
as of so far this will be my first successful year growing and my harvest will be in about 3 times time.give or take a a few days or so..well not that i have it all down packed next year i am going to be doing a guerrilla grow.well i was just wondering besides root space and light availability..all the basics.what are the ways i can achieve maximum yield?..should i do the FIM'ing to my plant then leave it like that an d let it veg.or should i do that and follow up with lst growing?? sure you all kknow what im talking about.thanks


Well-Known Member
grow a 'tree' plant, ala fdd or gypsybush. get that shit vegging all year, in a 9-20gal pot and rock it out in the summer. good luck transporting it tho.


Active Member
i have been thinking about this for quite sometime strictly an outdoor grower only.but say i did veg a plant for 3 maybe 4 months..that'd be perfectly alright though right? or what would happen if the strain couldn't go that long because it was bagseed


Well-Known Member
i suggest using the seed as a mother plant, and get a nice thick branch to clone from. i'd start that asap if you were able... greenhouse with extra lighting?