Acetemetopin causes 458 deaths a year


Well-Known Member
......due to acute liver failure

A filler found in many drugs to prevent abuse. So the question is,
Is it doing more harm then good?

I can sometimes find myself taking almost one thousand Milligrams a day when I get the flu.
You can cold water extract it, it's fairly simple.
The material is rubbery and dense.

This stuff fucks with your liver, You don't have to take much either.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, but Lortabs are just so damn good.

This is a quick and easy way to do the CWE, lots of other guides take the long way out and makes it seem a bit harder than it actually is. This is intended to be a brief explanation, will not go into very detailed chemistry etc... you can do that research on your own in this thread

SIMPLIFIED overview --
GOAL: Remove acetaminophen (APAP) or similar from pills containing opiates, like codeine (ie: tylenol 1,2,3,4)
Dissolve pills in water, strain it through a filter

1) Crush Pills into a fine powder while minimizing powder loss.

SWIM basically puts pills into a thick ziplock bag, and puts that inside another ziplock bag just for extra leakage protection. SWIM uses a sharpening stone (for knives) to crush his pills by rolling / pressing onto them. You can get creative here and do whatever you want, use a brick, use a hammer even, whatever works to crush the pills without puncturing the ziplocks.

2) Dissolve the crushed powder into warm/hot water.

Get hot water from the tap, but not too hot -- in between warm and hot is perfect. Don't use boiling water unless you want to kill it. Put it in a container or bowl with a wide surface area (cools faster) and add the powder you crushed (you can simply cut the corner of the ziplock and pipe it in... easy and no mess. Some stuff sticks to the plastic, but i think it's negligable. The amount of water here should probably be 3/4 of a cup, you can start with that and experiment... it's better to add too much water than too little or it won't filter properly later.

3) Let mixture sit until it becomes room temperature (10-20 mins)

Cooling it too quickly harms it, let it sit for a bit, doesn't have to be 100% room temp, but just let it cool awhile

4) Move the container into the freezer for 20 mins or so, till it feels cold

This is where the magic happens, you can remove the container from the freezer when you touch it and it feels cold. In between 20-30 mins should do the trick, this step is crucial. it should be COLD!

5) Filter the solution through coffee filter(s) to seperate the liquid containing the opiate (and caffeine if you're using tylenol) from the APAP

We want to filter this as quick as possible, so get three seperate cups or jars and fit them with a pre-wet coffee filter, use a rubber band if necessary to hold the filter in place and to stop it from falling into the cup.

Distribute the solution you just took from the freezer across the three cups, now you are basically filtering at 3 times the speed, one glass & one filter should also do it!

6) Result: Water-like product, bitter, drinkable? Cloudy?
When it looks like it's not dripping anymore you can squeeze the contents in the filters through a 4th coffee filter to get any remaining moisture out... don't spill any of the residue into the liquid solution though. What you are left with after filtering is marshmellow like substance but it's more dense.
At this point some people add a little water to the marshmellow residue and re-filter it, but i dont think it's necessary... it's time to consume.

7) If like water or just slighty cloudy: You now have a solution with most (if not all) of the APAP removed. It is extremely bitter so drink it with something sweet.... and i mean REALLY sweet. People pick up Kool Aid packages for this. I am going to try Purple Kool Aid + Tonic Water, it should work well. Apparently Tonic Water contains an ingredient called "Quinine" that potentiates codeine (the opioid potentiators section). Note that grapefruit juice is reported to actually slow the absorbtion and be conteractive to codeine (but it works for other opiates apparently). Also some people take 25-75mg of benadryl (diphenhydramine) as a potentiator and to reduce itchies. They also chew a couple medium strength TUMS antacid. I don't know the explaination -- do your own research.