Accepting all tips for a guerilla grow!


Hey all,
I'm attempting to grow my first crop outdoors, as getting married and having a 5yr old kind of inhibits my usual closet grow.

I've got a great spot that is on a hillside and gets about 5-6 hrs direct sun, but lots all day as it is in a thin pine forrest in central GA. My spot is as secure as can be.

I plan on germinating about 70 seeds of various blends, and planting the best towards the end of the month to ensure that I've passed the final frost of the year, so about 6"-1' each.

My planned spot will only allow for about 20 plants due to the spacing requirements that I've noted from other posts here. I honestly plan on setting them in the ground closer than than, to try to get at least 40 in the ground because of the attrition rate(pulling males, plants just not growing enough).

GA soil, this spot included, is composed of about a 6"-1' layer of loam, then good ole red GA clay. I've already hauled enough soil to displace 3/4 of the clay with a regular potting soil/peat mix, but haven't applied it yet because I don't want the nutrients to burn out(I started prepping the site last Oct). I also wanted to minimize weed/green plant growth in the area to reduce water absorption. Currently I plan on utilyzing a standard furrow irrigation system to maximize water flow to the roots and minimize run off, as my site is on the side of a hill, in a "V" design.

Right now I'm looking for any tips to minimize shock during transplant, as well as any watering solutions from fellow dry-climate growers, specifically in GA. Then comes the issue of drying/curing...I don't have a good location for that yet, but harvest is a ways away.

Any help is very appreciated, stupid comments are not.
