about trimming leaves


Active Member
i have a plant that is starting to get really bushy problem is it is cutting the light off to the nodes to chute up can i trim leaves to get light down to the bottoms or should i just leave it
they are already in 1st week of flower


Well-Known Member
Maybe you could try spreading it and tying so light reaches more nodes and you still keep your solar panels, best of both worlds. Theres several methods you could try, look up super cropping on youtube.


Well-Known Member
take some string and tie those babies up, thats what i do, never fails. get the budding tops out in the sun. but tie it up in a way that the leaves still get sun too.

grow space

Well-Known Member
yo man-dont ever trim your plants-that causes shock and your plant would not grow untill it has replaced that off cutted leave.so NO cutting ok-just LST(low stress train) your plants and get some good results.remember-those leaves are needed so that the plant can transform the suns energy to sugars what you plant feed on(photsynesis)

keep that work up....


Active Member
ok thank you very much for setting me straight on that one i greatly appreciate the shared knowledge on this website it rocks having other gardeners to talk to