about to order, hash plant vs ak-47


Well-Known Member
If it were me, I would go with AK47. Its a big yeilder, known as the one hitter quitter, and fairly easy to grow.

I dont know much about the hash plant. Ive never grown it, and Ive never personally seen it grown either.

Good luck - BTF

Brick Top

New Member
I pretty much think you need to decide which to grow yourself. You did not say which breeder’s gear you are considering but typically hash plant is 100% indica and AK47 is predominantly sativa so you have a major difference in the type of high or stone you will get from each.
So which do you prefer, the heavy couch-lock narcotic body stone of the Hash Plant or the intense cerebral sativa high with some body stone tossed in of the AK47?
You are sort of comparing apples to oranges so which do you prefer, apples or oranges?


Well-Known Member
if you order from attitude, youll get the dinafem calihashplant for free!! or at least i did a couple weeks ago, check their ufo offers and see