About to get some moxy


Well-Known Member
Duck I remember reading an article in playboy(yes I read the articles) about a drug called foxy...wonder what it was?


Well-Known Member
I had taken the 5-meo and it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. I had ended up taking around 30mg myself because I couldn't quite seem to get fucked up off it. Afterwards, the only thing that seemed amusing was my computers desktop image since it seemed to be moving. Things seemed to be very funny though. My fiancee took 6mg and tripped all night long. She kept seeing different colors when she would exhale and everything apparently kept becoming very distorted to her. Oh well. Back to the drawing board. It seems as though the site that I ordered my stuff from only carries rc's with hallucinating properties. I am looking for something more along the lines of methadrone. I have around 40mg left of the 5-meo and I haven't decided if I am going to sell it or just take it again.


Well-Known Member
Id like to try the foxy and moxy,but I gotta wait on my 25c and 25b first...too much researching to do :-D


Well-Known Member
6mg to 10mg is the average dose. It is said that you should start out at 6 to 8mg for your first time. Didn't quite work that well for me.
I've read about a huge difference in dosing between individuals with this chemical. some people get off on 5mg, some people 50mg+.


Well-Known Member
Wow..too much variable for me..I need to know a dose before I take it.sounds like a crapshoot...is it weight based in its effect,cause I'm a big guy...


Well-Known Member
I mean did you eat 30mg at once? And nothing?
No. I started out a 8mg and as time had passed I ended up taking a total of 30mg in around 3 hours. I had very limited visuals, like my desktop image moving around, and everything seemed to be hilarious.


New Member
Never use these type of drugs without a scale. What you think is 15mg can very well be 100mg and the next thing you know poof! your dead


Well-Known Member
That sucks about individual effects..I guess this really is a crapshoot..eat 6mg nothing,eat 10 more and you overdid it...why can't lsd be fucking legal...set in stone,faithful,and allways the same..like an old girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
Fuck in this case keta-chloride...no one gets good k anymore..moxy isn't imported either..I'm going back on tour so I can get sufficiently stoned...