About to get some moxy


Well-Known Member
I should receive my order of 5-MeO-MiPT in a couple days and I ordered 100mg. Does anyone know how to measure 5mg without a mg scale?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty good at telling just by looking at it. it depends on the consistency, density, powder/crystals... etc... there's probably no safe way to do that. you could split it in half, so that there are 2 equal lines of 50mg each. then take one of those lines, and divide it into 10 seperate bumps that would be about 5mg each. but each one could be off by a mg or 2 depending on your skill, and vision and if they actually made the bag exactly 100mg to begin with. Also that would take forever just to lay out 20 5mg doses. it's easier to just buy a cheap $50 mg scale. I think there's some that are only like $30. I wouldn't recommend doing these things without a mg scale. and make sure it's properly calibrated each time.

also i don't know anything about moxy or it's ld50 or anything, so I don't know how dangerous it can be.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. I've been looking for a mg locally but to no luck so far. It's not really dangerous, just like a clean version of MDMA. I'm not worried about myself getting more than I measured, just my fiancée. I still have a few days to find a mg scale so hopefully I'll find one, otherwise I'll have to order one. My scales only read to .1 which sucks, but oh we'll.


Well-Known Member
Idk man, three of my friends have done a little more moxy than you're supposed to and they had some pretty scary rolls/trips. No hospital, but they bugged out


Well-Known Member
Idk man, three of my friends have done a little more moxy than you're supposed to and they had some pretty scary rolls/trips. No hospital, but they bugged out
Yea, I'm wanting to only dose around 5-8mg for my first. It seems real crazy that it takes so little to get so fucked up off this stuff.


Well-Known Member
A mg scale isn't that much. If you have prime you can get a Gemini 20 for $22 http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0012TDNAM
I don't know that I trust it to be accurate to a single mg but measure the whole sample and use liquid dilution to measure your dose.
Yea, I just ordered that scale. I had 10 dollars off from some surveys my fiancee took and chose 1 day shipping on my prime account for 3.99 for a total of like 16 dollars. Will get it Thursday. Whoop. Gonna have a fun weekend. :wink:


Well-Known Member
I would still use liquid dilution to measure doses under 10mg.
Its not just like a clean version of MDMA. MDMA has a much milder dose response curve.


Well-Known Member
I would still use liquid dilution to measure doses under 10mg.
Its not just like a clean version of MDMA. MDMA has a much milder dose response curve.
I'm not to sure how to do a liquid dilute as I have never done it before. Also, I am only going by what I read about it. I may have added that it is a clean version of mdma, but I guess I didn't state that well. I really meant a clean version of ecstasy. You know, since E tabs are mixed with all sorts of shit.


Well-Known Member
Weigh your sample then dissolve it in a known quantity of water. Insulin syringes are graduated in incriments of 0.01mL. Say you have 100mg and dissolve it in 1mL each unit on the syringe would be 1mg. Even with a good balance it makes accurate measurements MUCH easier.


Well-Known Member
Weigh your sample then dissolve it in a known quantity of water. Insulin syringes are graduated in incriments of 0.01mL. Say you have 100mg and dissolve it in 1mL each unit on the syringe would be 1mg. Even with a good balance it makes accurate measurements MUCH easier.
Well that sounds easy enough. Thanks. The package says 116mg


Well-Known Member
Oh shit, I was thinking Foxy... Is it the samething/ similar? Didn't they used to sell that in PlayBoy?


Well-Known Member
yeah I read on erowid they used to sell it for in the bed room fun... pshhh, lucky SOBs that were around when that was happening


Well-Known Member
Yes, Moxy can still be had. And Canna, not trying to be a dick here, but do some extensive research and you should be able to find a legit company that will sell you some rc's. I can say it has taken me like 2 months to even find the one I just found, and was skeptical until it actually arrived. Good luck on your search.


Well-Known Member
So I have just taken 8mg of the moxy I have and my fiancee took 6mg. I have another 6mg dose for me later and another 4mg dose for her later. We shall see what happens. :wink: