about to flower question...


Active Member
Ive got two plants growing in a cfl grow box coming to the end of week 5 and im about to put them onto a 12/12 sched. ive heard about putting your plants into 24hrs of darkness before flowering and i wanted to ask if it really helps is it a must or can i just go directly into 12/12. ive searched the forums and havent found any sticky's about the subject. any feedback would be appreciated. FYI this being my 1st official grow, not some cardboard ghetto grow, im going all the way regardless of sex. of coarse if 1 is male and the other female im going to separate them but still go the whole way.


Well-Known Member
i just switch mine to 12/12 and everything goes good. its a natural plant so go along with nature. we don't have 24 hours of darkness outside. you know? hope I helped


I have used the technique that you are referring to on plants that I have grown in the past, and it does work well. I used thirty six hours of complete, uninterrupted darkness, and then I started the 12/12 cycle, flowering takes off a lot faster, as you have now sent a very clear message to the plant telling it to start budding "NOW" and not, "Hey maybe next week if you feel like it". Also before you do this, make sure you have flushed the soil very well and leached out most of the high nitrogen veg nutes, and switch to your bloom nutes. Then stand back...


Active Member
I have used the technique that you are referring to on plants that I have grown in the past, and it does work well. I used thirty six hours of complete, uninterrupted darkness, and then I started the 12/12 cycle, flowering takes off a lot faster, as you have now sent a very clear message to the plant telling it to start budding "NOW" and not, "Hey maybe next week if you feel like it". Also before you do this, make sure you have flushed the soil very well and leached out most of the high nitrogen veg nutes, and switch to your bloom nutes. Then stand back...
yeah i fed early this week and wont water till just before the switch when i do thats when ill bump up the bloom nutes.
thanx for the responses guys im unsure if i will do this but im leaning towards yes. as most ppl ive heard to do this claim great rewards from doing so. "hey maybe next week if you feel like it" lmao thanx a bunch! +rep to all who replied. ill be starting this weekend so stay tuned if you want to see the results. may your gardens as well as your thumbs be green


i just switch mine to 12/12 and everything goes good. its a natural plant so go along with nature. we don't have 24 hours of darkness outside. you know? hope I helped
Though I am only an amateur horticulturist I both agree and disagree with this statement. Mother nature provides all of the necessary ingredients for plant life to exist, and even thrive in some cases, she allowed cannabis to evolve into the plant it is today, but Mother nature aint got shit on me. I create the perfect photosynthetic acceleration chamber, I create an environment that is perfectly suited to a single type of plant, I don't have to balance an entire ecosystem, and that means that I can adjust every single variable to suit the optimum growth conditions of said plant. Simply stated; I grow better, more potent and flavorful marijuana than mother nature ever could and the reason is that I will not be killing billions of plant and animal species who are dependent on a certain light, or water or nutrient cycles to exist. In my basement I am god, I am mother nature, giver of life and harvester of primo smoke. There are many, many things that simply do not exist in nature, and just because these conditions do not naturally exist does not mean that they are not beneficial to the plant in question. Consider the science of hydroponics, is that natural? Absolutely not, but does it produce results that soil alone cannot? Yes.


Active Member
Though I am only an amateur horticulturist I both agree and disagree with this statement. Mother nature provides all of the necessary ingredients for plant life to exist, and even thrive in some cases, she allowed cannabis to evolve into the plant it is today, but Mother nature aint got shit on me. I create the perfect photosynthetic acceleration chamber, I create an environment that is perfectly suited to a single type of plant, I don't have to balance an entire ecosystem, and that means that I can adjust every single variable to suit the optimum growth conditions of said plant. Simply stated; I grow better, more potent and flavorful marijuana than mother nature ever could and the reason is that I will not be killing billions of plant and animal species who are dependent on a certain light, or water or nutrient cycles to exist. In my basement I am god, I am mother nature, giver of life and harvester of primo smoke. There are many, many things that simply do not exist in nature, and just because these conditions do not naturally exist does not mean that they are not beneficial to the plant in question. Consider the science of hydroponics, is that natural? Absolutely not, but does it produce results that soil alone cannot? Yes.
got a bit of a "god complex" do you? while i appreciate your theory, i personally believe no indoor grow can compare to outdoor. there are just some things science cant mimic. the wonder of nature is not just in its broken down scale of the elements. (my opinion) i think we do well creating a very reasonable facsimile of photosynthesis and to all who try and succeed. much respect. but all men are humbled in the face of nature.
(update) i did go directly into 12/12. this being my 1st grow im a little inpatient. thanx to all who replied and my your gardens as well as your thumbs forever be green.